What is Agile Governance Trying to Achieve?
Applying industrial type governance doesn’t fit agile - whether software, knowledge work or in a human based creative problem space. We want mastery, we want craftsmanship. Given this environment we have a greater need for transparency – not just to manage the pace of the work, however, to visualise the very nature of the work.
If we are adopting agile more, succeeding more, delivering at greater pace and breaking down large scale programs to small batch delivery, we require a greater more real time and dynamic need for clarity and system based information – we need faster feedback in risk and compliance.
In this next article, Tony and I Having talked about what “Agile Governance” is and why we need it, we thought it best to discuss what we are trying to achieve when we change our system of assuring work. We delve into the rationale for Agile Governance and set up to detail how you solve for this new paradigm.