My son is addicted to art.
Big time.
Turn your back on him and he’s sketching something, leaving trails of charcoal fingerprints in unlikely places, getting lost in his own space. Even since he was five, his art has been his bliss (and frustration).
Is his work of value?
Huge value. To me.
Let’s say that one day his works are of commercial value.
So, what’s changed between then and today? What magic has occurred? Why the lag between then and now?
Is it winning the Archibald Portrait Prize? Is it 1,000,000 likes on his Tik Tok channel? Is it a rave by Banksy. What has the ‘market’ recognised about his, or any artist’s work, that creates greater value?
Ok. Take a moment to consider your value as a financial adviser.
What’s the difference between your value and the value of my son’s, or any artist’s, work?
There are lots, isn’t there. Too many to list. Sure.
But, there are similarities too.
Isn’t the value for your advice just as a subjective decision as to the value of an artwork?
Put it this way, if that first advice client who said “yes, let’s engage” never said that, you’d be like the out-of-work artist making the coffees at the local cafe. Agree?
So, from that perspective, advisers and artists are similar in that their worth comes from those they appeal to.
How do we as advisers know what our worth is?
The profit and loss? The amounts on the commission statement (do you still get one of those)? The bank balance? The waiting time for an appointment? The new enquiries? The amount of work in progress?
None of those really.
Being human, we best know and feel our worth when clients tell us how significant or meaningful our role is in their lives.
It’s subjective.
If you believe that there’s an element of subjectivity in the worth your clients attach to your services, here’s the point – do you really believe your worth to your clients today will be of more worth to your clients in three years' time?
While your best clients today probably won’t be your best clients in three years' time, surviving and thriving beyond Covid-19 is less about embracing the clear technology lessons, and more about understanding how you are going to be of more worth to your clients in three years time.
Today is really a time to review and reflect ahead of the inevitable surge for quality advice.
Advisers could do much worse than review Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations to see how these times align with his thesis of four criteria for lasting change – i.e. innovation, channels, timing, and social systems.
Just as ‘Post Covid-19’ will become a way-point similar to ‘post-9/11’ and ‘post-Depression’, the way-point all advisers are in today is a time to wisely consider what will be the subjective worth of your services for the clients you hope will be growing your business in three years time.
Our clients, our teams, our society, our habits and our worth will not be the same again. Let’s make them all better on purpose, rather than just relying upon hope.
There’s another similarity between artists and advisers.
They are often perfectionists, which doesn’t always make them the best business-people.
There’s another difference between artists and advisers.
Artists usually are not in it for the money. Like my son, he is just drawn to draw, regardless of reward.
It’s both fantastic and tragic.
But that’s life, isn’t it?
What do you reckon?
Photo Credit: @frartstack
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PPS - Here are five ways we can support and fast-track your growth as a professional advisory firm:
1. Understand & implement the advisory tools for valuable client conversations – the only cost is your time:
Advisory teams can not afford to be making any assumptions regarding what clients now hold valuable in these different times. We launched these free 40-minute Maslow Conversation Webinars to help more advisers tackle COVID-19 head-on. The session will provide all necessary tools, the principles behind the tools and a live demonstration showing how to use the tools remotely with clients in these times when face-to-face meetings are on hold – here are the details. Don't miss out - Our next session is Tuesday, 23rd June at 12 noon Sydney time.
2. Understand & implement the whole Certainty Advice “Discovery through Engagement” approach – our “Go-To-Whoa” Webinar series:
Our “Go-To-Whoa” 90-minute webinars share the “whole enchilada” of the Certainty Advice range of tools, frameworks, principles and beliefs for your to best approach, identify, construct, price and present the value your advisory clients seek. Our longest webinar (with breaks) that includes demonstrations, Q&As and follow-up support. This is all the steps we currently believe are required to deliver enduring, and valuable advisory relationships – here are the details. Don't miss out - Our next session is Wednesday, 1st July at 12 noon Sydney time.
3. In these unique times, here’s how to easily join a unique community of advisory firms advising as they've never advised before - Certainty Advice Online:
We have a fast-growing community of advisory firms, sharing their insights, lessons, challenges as they all uniquely implement their Certainty Advice frameworks. Accelerate your advice approach with an online subscription to our community. You’ll have, with access to all Certainty Advice materials, our weekly sharing of implementation lessons, and all our webinars, frameworks, forms, models, agenda and advising tools. There isn't another community or curriculum like it - here are the details and subscription.
4. Want more? Join our coaching program - Cultivating Advice:
Atop the offerings from Certainty Advice Online – our Cultivating Advice coaching program is for those firms keen to fast-track their implementation of Certainty Advice. Once in Cultivating Advice, we coach your team on their client and prospect conversations, we build and price your existing and new client engagement documents, and we act on your advice pricing committee. We will coach you individually on your approach, with your team, with your clients and prospects - there is not a program like it anywhere else. Just reply to this message and put "coaching" in the subject line...
5. Potentially seeking something else? Work with us privately...
If you’re seeking something else, it might be a private engagement with a combination of some of the above, or different. Our thirty years of building great advisory firms convince us that these are the greatest of times to be setting foundations to build the future great brands of advice. If you too believe this and are seeking assistance beyond the above offerings, reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line... tell us a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we'll get back to you.