The future of marketing & society needs more than brand purpose!

The future of marketing & society needs more than brand purpose!

It is 2018, TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN! We have been around for a long time and still many easy fixes are still present in our society.

We still don't treat women equally in most countries.We still have discrimination even within the same race. We still prefer competing instead of collaborating.

We are surrounded by many issues that make no sense to most of us but somehow they continue to be issues. Each of us is more sensitive to some issues than others.

We all want the cliche "better world", but I have lost faith in most politicians. I don't see many Ghandis, ML Kings or Mandelas anymore. Most leaders and even brands only emotionally manipulate us so they can make a sale or get a vote.

There is a way we can get a "better world" and still have brands make their sale they want. Its a win-win. Many marketers have talked about Brand Purpose and while that is part of the solution, it takes more than picking a purpose. It takes creating a Point Of View (Purpose, Ownership & Vision/Values)!


What does Martin Luther King, Lady Gaga, Nike, Starbucks, and most iconic brands/leaders have in common? They provide you with a clear mix of 3 benefits. They provide you with a functional, emotional and social benefit that are all linked to one another. They don't invent a "purpose", they DON'T "Start with Why". They link the functional benefit they are best known for to a higher purpose (emotional benefit) to achieve a goal (social benefit). They don't give to charity, they go out and do it themselves.

Great marketing isn't about pushing a product onto people, it is about finding something people care about and making those people happy by making it better. - Joah Santos

Lady Gaga:

Lady Gaga was well known for having the craziest outfits of anyone in the world (Functional Benefit). This helped the most awkward of us not feel so awkward, because it was impossible to be more awkward than her. (Emotional Benefit)."Cause, little monsters, you were born that way baby and each of you shine in your own way. That is what makes you beautiful” - Lady Gaga (Social Benefit). It has a Purpose, help those that feel weird to not feel as an outcast. It has Ownership, she owned being weirdest entertainment. It had a Vvision/Values, a unique world is one filled with "lil monsters", the weird people. She had a POV.


Nike was started by a coach wanting to make a faster shoe (Functional Benefit). It wasn't until 20+ years later when they defined the emotional and social benefit that it dominated and became 1st in market share. Nike inspires athletes and anyone with a body can be an athlete (Emotional Benefit), because we want to get everyone off the couch binging on sitcoms (Social Benefit).


Apple had a restart back in 1997 when Steve Jobs returned. On that day he announced the purpose of the brand, the Emotional Benefit, the "Why". He said "We believe that people with passion can change the world" (Emotional Benefit). It wasn't for another 7 years when Apple finally had a functional and social benefit that the stock price started doubling in price when they launch the MP3 player that had 5 times the capacity of any other player (functional benefit), and when he used white headphones it allowed everyone around know that you belong to the "people with passion can change the world" tribe (social benefit).

This method allows you to predict the outcome of many campaigns, simply by looking to see if it is a functional benefit the brand can owns, does it increase the love people feel for the brand and is it tied to the functional benefit and/or does this show tribal values or a future to hope for to show the social benefit.


What are the only 3 things that are considered a succes in business, increased sales, market share or profit!

Sales are generated by offering something people need or want basically offering a functional benefit. (Ownership)

Market Share is increased by increasing loyalty which only happens when people love you more than your competitors by offering an emotional benefit. (Purpose)

Profit is increased when price sensitivity is lowered and that only happens if there is an added benefit to buying your product by bringing a benefit to society, social benefit. (Vision/Values)

Create a Point Of View (POV) Purpose, Ownership & Visions/Values, it is 4x more effective at impacting your financials.


What is happiness? It is actually a release of Dopamine, Oxytocin and/or Serotonin in our brain.

To understand what makes us happy, simply take away all restrictions and let you run wild. Winning the lottery would do that. How would you spend your money?

Buy cars, houses and travel - Functional Benefit - Releases Dopamine (Ownership).

Take care of my love ones and invest so my family never needs to work again - Emotional Benefit - Releases Serotonin (Purpose).

Help the rest of the family, strangers and even some social causes - Social Benefit - Releases Oxytocin. (Vision/Values).

Create a Point Of View (POV) Purpose, Ownership & Visions/Values, it adds value to society instead of simply extracting value from people.


This is where I think we have a chance to redefine marketing. I still believe brands can make a huge difference in the world and be our biggest hope for a better future. There is a WIN-WIN solution, brands make a positive impact on their finances in exchange for a positive impact on society. This is our way to a "better world".

We need to more win-win solutions for society but hopefully, this is one that won't be ignored.

If they mess up, we stop buying the product until it is fixed. It is real-time voting, real-time leadership where people are in control of the future they choose by supporting the brands that are working on things they care about. Like Nike did by helping us "just do it" and get off the couch watching sitcoms in the late 1980's and has grown market share for years to come. Like Starbucks gave use a second living room & meeting place where you get to know your neighbors and grew beyond any coffee shop ever. Like my work with Unilever's Dove has helped women not be manipulated in fashion mags and doubled their sales in short time frame.

There is a WIN-WIN for brands and I hope you share it.


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