This is what a 5.0 leader is. This is what the digital strategy looks like.
Many companies have been treating humans during the last 40 years as “resources”.?They will have to go again through the experience of treating humans as creators and innovators, because true leading means creating
There still is a great abuse with the term leader. All the inputs around Leadership during the last 40 years, lacked substance thus creating hype that had no practical value.?
This lack of practical value was because it was widely missed that leadership is not an endowed consequence of positionship, just as singing ability is not an endowed consequence of having a voice.?The skills that people see in a leader are not always quantifiable or immediately recognizable but they know when they see it and they know when it is missing.
But – nowadays - being just a manager, is far from enough!.?True leadership experts do know about it. Thus, European Leadership ?Spanish Leadership ?and?American Leadership ?already exceed 1.6 million followers combined. Therefore, time has come to openly share with the world our digital knowledge which we have been sharing privately with our clients since 2008.
Digital Worldwide Leadership ?is our biggest (i.e. more than 495k subscribers) 3.0 newsletter whose aim is to generously enlighten every CEO, Entrepreneur and Corporate Professional alike in order to educate and train them digitally in the 5.0 digital leadership world.
Our CEO Jorge Zuazola (feel free to contact him on?Profile 2.0 ?) hereby illustrates the concept of leader as primus inter pares. While being aware of the company’s most important objective: its mission for its customers, as well as the vision where the company has to be in the future the 5.0 leader, is able to achieve a shared vision with his/her stakeholders and meets the following minimum requirements:
1)The 5.0 Leader knows that a real leader is neither charismatic nor born. A leader is not born, because he/she is made; and when he/she ceases to make himself a leader, he/she has ceased to be one. The "born leader" is precisely what we do not need anymore; because he/she is a visceral and egomaniac one.
2)The 5.0 Leader as leader, demands more of him/herself, than others expect of him/her: he/she must be an example!.?All his/her self-training, on top of a very satisfactory completion of his/her duties, evidences his/her exemplary role
3)The 5.0 Leader has the moral strength - as a leader - to be tough and demanding with his/her team mates, because he/she believes more in them, than they do in themselves. Affection and love are demanding. Always! - If not, they’re gone!
?4) A leader has a heart and love for each person of his/her team and needs to know the expectations each one has of the leader. If the leader cannot deliver, he/she says it clearly and transparently.?As a leader, he/she offers friendship, not privileges.?How The 5.0 Leader interacts with his/her colleagues, his/her associates (Europe/USA) and his/her 2.0 Community (European Leadership) are indeed first-hand examples of this 4th leadership skill.
5) A leader does not tolerate the reign of fear in his/her team.?He/She promotes courage and initiative of all individuals to take risks, make mistakes, in order to leave the limits of his/her comfort zone everyday.?He/She makes them grow, overcoming fear into challenge.??The 5.0 Leader is capable of performing all these actions worldwide to the extent the team′s performance is always enhancing.
6) The 5.0 Leader understands a leader is ahead, not “above”.?He/She expects his/her peers to disagree openly. his/her communication style is wide open with both colleagues and superiors thereby earning the respect of both.
7) The 5.0 Leader sticks to the principle that the leader is a "primus inter pares" (Latin for “first among equals”) humbly working without whims and teaming up with colleagues.?Shares sadness and joys, feasts and games with both his/her team and his/her associates.
8) A leader hires people who are better than he/she is, and gives them opportunities to prove it. The 5.0 Leader does not micromanage but always relies on his/her team of experts both locally and internationally.
9) A leader does not try to motivate others, because he/she knows that it is neither possible nor desirable. The 5.0 Leader sticks to Great Executives’ principle of leading by example i.e. he/she knows his/ her colleagues will follow suit when he/she acts with a clear direction.
10) Last but not least, and perhaps more importantly, a leader creates the proper context for each person of his/her team, through which each one can motivate himself with challenges worthy of his/her pride. The 5.0 Leader applies by the book the principle that Leadership is forward- oriented towards a better future to progress and progress is the realization of the impossible as “I am possible”.?Making dreams come true is both a poetic and accurate definition of progress.??
To achieve those goals and dreams a 5.0 Strategy is of paramount importance
The Strategy as Cognitive Ladder: 8 Models to make it to the top
Our detailed cognitive ladder addressed to the CEOs details our high-calibre strategic framework which is made up of 8 modules which resolve 8 strategic mistakes:
Strategic error #1 Non existent transition plan from the 1.0 to the 2.0 World at the outset in 2008
Strategic error #2 Lack of Powerful Digital Business Asset.
?Strategic error #3 Web 2.0 used as a repetition of the static 1.0 Corporate Website.
Strategic error #4 Not embracing the 3.0 mobile technology at the outset in 2013
Strategic error #5 Lack of management measurement
Strategic error #6 Unstructured sales systems base.
Strategic error #7 Over-reliance on traditionals CRMs which are a trunk of old historic 1.0 non-digital data
Strategic error #8 Lack of horizontal leadership to integrate the CEO in the Salesforce.
Strategy is indeed a cognitive ladder. In the current 5.0 digital world strategy is a ladder where each step must come from a cognitive process.
The steps of a strategic cognitive ladder are indeed management modules, specifically eight,
named below:?
#1: The 12 steps Success Pattern: LinkedIn as your Main Digital Asset
#2: 2.0 Leadership Community as your Asset Monetizer
#3: Thought Leadership Brand as your prestigious Web 2.0 Format?
#4: Digital Publications as your de-facto 3.0 Business TV
#5: CEO Management Pack
#6: The 4 bases sales system and the 94+5+1 =100% email equation
#7: DCSM (Digital Client Sales Management) as your cutting edge 4.0 sales model
#8: Image Maker Sales Management
Visit the?Profile 2.0 ?of Jorge Zuazola CEO & Founder?European Leadership ?to contact him digitally in Linkedin to discuss further details.
Once you have read the whole of this 25th edition of our newsletter, you will realize that you probably need our premium leadership model for the 5.0 Digital Age.
Jorge Zuazola CEO & Founder?European Leadership
#ceo ?#leadership ?#leadership ?#thoughtleadership ?#P2O ?#H2H ?#digitalstrategy ?#salesmanagement ?#LInkedIN ?#Pulse ?#2.0 #3.0 #4.0?#dreamscometrue ?#dreams ?#management ?#success ?#expert ?#IoT ?#SEO ?#SXO ?#sales ?#drucker ?#mintzberg ?#SQ ?#spiritualintelligence ?#spiritualintelligenceleadership ?#goals ?#digitalization ?#economicgraph ?#zuazola ?#jorgezuazola ?#management ?#craft ?#art ?#europeanleadership ?#spanishleadership ?#germanleadership ?#americanleadership ?#frankfurtbusinessleadership ?#worldwideincubatorsleadership ?#3i ?#InternetIdeasIncubators ?#Entrepreneurship ?#Profitability ?#Abundance ?#neuralnetworks ?#neuralnetworksleadership ?#innovation ?#education ?
'Original' Wooden Cigar Pipes
1 年Life is energy. Wisdom is how you spend it?
Até 2023, Mentor no Programa de Mentoria do INA em Lideran?a e Inova??o (Transforma??o Digital) enquanto Dirigente Nacional no SETAAB
2 年Thanks for sharing
Human Resources and Talent Management professional .
2 年Great and lovely Article
Researcher and Professor
2 年Art has opinions not fact - Craft has a skill learned. Aka leadership is guess work and management from experience.
Director Ejecutivo Global, Consultor de Soluciones Empresariales, Mentor & Coach Executive, Conferencist en McRiver Red
2 年Extraordinarias publicaciones. No hay duda de la calidad y excelencia profesional para exponer vuestras publicaciones. Felicitaciones. Saludos cordiales. Atentamente : Ronel Rivera.