What 4 New York Times Leaders Want You To Know Going Into Your First Job?—?& More From The Well

What 4 New York Times Leaders Want You To Know Going Into Your First Job?—?& More From The Well

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. It has been a busy and exciting few weeks at Jopwell, and I wanted to share a few of the latest stories from our editorial hub, The Well:

What 4 Leaders Want You To Know Going Into Your First Job [VIDEO]

By Jopwell

Big news: The New York Times is now recruiting on Jopwell. To introduce our community to the different departments at The Times (and the people behind them), we brought a group of New York City interns and recent college graduates to the 165-year-old media company’s Times Square headquarters. Here, leaders from our #MeetTheTimes panel respond to the question: What do you wish someone had told you back on day no. 1 of your career https://buff.ly/29hof6Q


How I Ended Up In Tech By Chance

By Randy Brown, Chief Technology Officer at Jopwell

We like to reinforce the idea that in order to be great at something, you have to practice it. But we rarely talk about how you need the privilege or luck of being in the right place at the right time to even find the thing you want to practice in the first place. We can no longer leave this sort of discovery to the off chance that a kid from East Orange gets a scholarship to a school where he meets the “right” people. https://buff.ly/29jyuJU


6 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Mentor

By Asana

Just like any other relationship, the mentee-mentor partnership requires attention and work?—?and as you invest, it will evolve with time. https://buff.ly/28OQGta (Image courtesy of WOCinTech Chat via Flickr)


Coffee With: College Admissions Officer Megan Red Shirt-Shaw

By Jopwell

I think there’s this assumption that only stories about Native Americans deserve a Native perspective. I want to reinforce that we should have the opportunity to be experts and voices across other fields and issues as well. We are among today’s admission officers and activists and business players and scientists and educators and athletes. I want people everywhere to remember that we are contemporary citizens. https://buff.ly/28QQ9Gj


Day In The Life: Meet Jean-Bernard Baptiste of HubSpot

By Jean-Bernard Baptiste, Customer Success Manager at HubSpot 

Being a trusted advisor for businesses can be scary, but with time comes confidence. My favorite part of the job is working with different people to find ways to help their business grow through inbound marketing. https://buff.ly/29eiIjA


Why FLOTUS And Oprah Say You Should Be Authentic

By Katie Sanders, Content at Jopwell

“It was historic and wonderful to see two women on stage embracing their power,” says Rhonesha Byng, Founder and CEO of Her Agenda, about Oprah’s candid interview with First Lady Michelle Obama at The White House's inaugural United State of Women Summut. “They are so authentic, comfortable with themselves, and present. It was my third time seeing Oprah in person, and each time I’ve walked away learning something new.” https://buff.ly/28QgVCi


4 Steps To Assessing Cultural Fit Before You Get Hired

By Paula Edgar, Founder and Principal of PGE LLC

Before you accept the job offer or even enter negotiations, ask yourself: “Do you believe you will truly be able to learn, grow, and thrive as an employee there? Can you bring your authentic self to that work environment? Are you aligned with the characteristics, language, values, beliefs, and behaviors that represent the organization’s culture?” Most of us don’t fully know the answers to these questions right away. https://buff.ly/28VOz9a (Image courtesy of WOCinTech Chat via Flickr)


Jopwell In The News:

How Silicon Valley’s Diversity Problem Created A New Industry

By Ruth Reader for Fast Company  https://buff.ly/29gznEE


Jopwell helps America’s leading companies connect with and recruit Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American professionals and students at scale. Have people or topics you’d like to see on The Well? Share your thoughts in the comments. 


