What is 316L Stainless Steel?
Genizer's Interaction Chambers contain 316L stainless steel and are lined with diamond

What is 316L Stainless Steel?

If you’ve spent time on Genizer’s website, you may have noticed that we list 316L stainless steel in our product materials. However, what does this mean, and why is it important?

Stainless Steel?

Stainless steel is comprised of a mix of iron and chromium. The chromium and iron react to form an oxide layer, which makes it more resistant to corrosion and heat. This oxide layer also prevents pitting in the metal.

A smooth, pit-less surface is important for a sanitary application because bacteria can grow on a bumpy surface, and that smoothness makes it easy to sanitize.

Since stainless steel is more cleanable than other materials, you may associate it with a commercial kitchen or surgical center.

?316 Grade

A commonly used grade of stainless steel is 304, however this grade is less resistant than 316 grade to chlorides and acids. This is because 316 grade stainless steel contains molybdenum, while 304 does not.

The UltraGenizer case is made of 316L stainless steel

The “L” in 316 L indicates that this stainless steel has lower carbon content (0.03%), compared to regular 316 (0.08%). This makes it better at resisting corrosion and high temperatures.

If you are looking for even smoother equipment, Genizer can offer you electrochemical polishing if you reach out to our team at [email protected]!



