What are 28 Life Lessons, Life Principles, and Life Truths You Can Apply for Greater Outcomes?
Erwin Jack
Powering Prime Projects | $100M to $5B+ | Project Finance Assistance for Oil and Gas, Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Real Estate Development and More | Sustainable Growth
What Can You Learn and Apply from one of the Greatest Leaders in History?
This Knowledge Paper outlines some of the Moses leadership principles and applications – one of the greatest leaders of all time.
Moses was one of the most powerful princes of his time in the greatest world power of its time (Egypt). The beginning of Moses' life, the upbringing of Moses' childhood, the prince that Moses became with the Pharaoh of Egypt, the desert experience, and the calling to lead more than three million people from slavery to freedom will give you some insight about your life and those around you.
There is hope for the leader in you!
The leader Moses became has changed the way we look at things even in modern times. Many people have applied these Moses Leadership principles without even knowing they have done so. You will find sections / topics about specific ways Moses led, how Moses changed, how others changed because of Moses leadership, and what you can do to apply these leadership qualities in your life and those around you.
Many people believe that leadership is given to some and not to others. As you read and apply all the areas below, you will find that anyone anywhere can become a leader. In fact, these truths about Moses Leadership will prove the following can be a part of your life and all that you do:
? Leadership can become a part of all that you do - a learned skill.
? Leaders are not born - leaders are made over time through a life process.
? Leaders empower others to be all that they can be (do not control and do not manipulate people).
? Most leaders are quiet and systematic in their dealings (not charismatic).
? Leaders exist in all levels of companies, organizations, groups, communities, cultures, beliefs, and nations around the world.
Apply all the lesson principles below to your life and you will see a change in every area of your personal and business life.
It is our Goal and Purpose to:
“Train and empower people globally to accomplish what they are setting out to do or improve what they are already doing, become a leader with results, and empower others to become successful in their business and personal efforts.”
In this Knowledge Paper there are some incredible real-life truths that will work for anyone anywhere in the world to succeed in their life goals.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #1: Recognize the strengths in others and allow others to see your strengths
Moses went from being a prince of Egypt to living in the desert for forty years. Moses has been called one of the humblest people to ever live. At the point that he was called to lead the people of Israel from slavery, he would have been more comfortable running his father-in-law's successful business.
Moses was able to face the terror of being placed in a high position because of his faith and knowing what his purpose and calling was. There is no doubt that Moses felt inadequate about the direction he was called to be a part of. But, because he recognized his strengths, he had comfort in his fears, and was therefore enabled to conquer this fear with some of these understandings and gifting’s (each of us have gifting’s, talents, and abilities).
When you believe in someone and/or someone else believes in you, you have a greater strength to go forward and start the leadership process and the direction you are embarking on.
Like any successful leader, you know deep down and are aware of some or all the leadership traits you have been given. Moses was given the tools, the support, and the direction to succeed with what he was called to do. He was not thrown into something and left to wonder what to do next. Keep this in mind in your life and anyone that you support in the future.
The core character traits seen at the heart of Moses leadership - honesty, integrity, compassion, and courage - set in motion a concept of leadership that allowed powerful, universal laws of life to be transmitted to others.
As you are growing, being challenged, changing, and moving down your path, remember and be aware of the changes you can bring to others.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #2: Inner qualities of leadership must be developed and nurtured
Why did Moses say, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and free the Israelites from Egypt?"
I think Moses was looking at his life as he had lived it in Midian and as a shepherd when he asked this question. He was wondering why he was chosen for this task. Moses was not charismatic, eloquent, and was not eager to lead at this point. In fact, he had been an isolated shepherd for many years, and he stuttered.
Many times, what we think are the prerequisites for doing something are just the outward. There are many inner qualities that are needed to become a leader. A person can go for many years developing these qualities, without being noticed. Then, out of nowhere (like Moses), things kick off and start happening.
Many leaders have had greatness thrust upon them from nowhere, yet they had a reluctance to lead. This reluctance is not a gauge of a person being a good leader. As Moses led the Israelites to freedom, he did not motivate the people because he was charismatic and a good speaker. He was persistent, motivated, and dedicated to the cause.
The attributes (inner qualities) that make a great leader are: Faith; Compassion; Drive; Self-control; and persistence.
Forget about a lot of the so-called leadership skills that are talked about - It is the inner qualities that are developed in you, that will cause you to lead!
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #3: Faith must be renewed on a regular basis
If parting the Red Sea and drowning Pharaoh's army could not earn Moses the confidence of the people as a messenger and leader, don't be shocked when it takes you time to build your team and sustain their confidence. Always remember, people are people. People need to be communicated to on a regular basis.
Most people are doubters - they are reluctant to follow anyone into uncertain waters, even if you were Moses. There is no such a thing as winning the people's trust once and for all. Faith must always be rejuvenated no matter how great your past successes have been.
Your team's faith must constantly be rekindled by your vision and energy. As Moses stated, "I know how defiant and stiff-necked you are." The same applies to everyone in any time - be prepared to prove yourself not once, but every time, and you will win the confidence of your people the only way it can be won - day by day!
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #4: Learn to take reproof (correction) and give it
Giving reproof serves both you and the person you reprove. It serves you because it spares you from the pent-up anger and bitterness that come from not communicating. It also helps the other individual because it gives him or her opportunity to see a problem behavior and change it.
Moses did not recommend giving reproof as a means of maximizing profits or making organizations more efficient. He recommended it because of the underlying principle that all human beings are responsible for one another, so if we see someone making a mistake, we have a moral obligation to help correct it. It that person does not want to correct it; it is his or her choice.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #5: Desert (wilderness) Leading
Moses faced tremendous challenges during the forty years he and his people spent in the desert.
Food, water, and shelter were always scarce. Think about it for a moment: Where are you going to find the necessities of life for more than three million people in the middle of a desert?
On top of this, how do you motivate a group of people who have only known slavery all their lives?
The former slaves were terrified and unable to care for themselves, and at every crisis they turned on Moses their leader.
During all this, Moses constantly searched for ways to motivate and inspire these people. When there was a setback, he relied on his faith, took it all in, and started again.
Each crisis presented an opportunity to try out new practices, develop more sensitive laws for human interaction, and encourage his group to become the very best they could become and stay the path set for them.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #6: Let talented people become their best
To lead you must be into the details.
Moses found this out everyday in the leadership process from the development of the procedures, ways, to the routes to take, to whom to hire, and every other daily activity.
With the interaction of the people Moses worked with, Moses never ever overshadowed his people. He did not demand progress reports, he did not manipulate his people, he did not control anyone, and he did not undermine anyone. He knew he had hired the right people for each job, and he let them do their job without his interference.
Of course, this does not mean that people do not to be accountable – mutual accountability is vital.
Your job as a leader is to inspire, coach and facilitate. The measure of your success as a leader is the measure of their creative self-assertiveness.
To give people the room to shine you must create trust. If you trust that your team shares your commitment and vision, you will have winning success as a leader.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #7: Team Lead (lead by doing what you expect from others)
It started with Moses accepting his call to lead. Then, the team came together.
It was never intended that Moses act alone.
How do you lead with a team? You lead one piece and one step at a time. In other words, you take what is to be done. Then, you give the pieces to others to get the job done.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #8: Keep your focus on the big picture
Moses became discouraged many times. At these times, Moses asked for guidance, wisdom, and clarity.
He always came back with a clearer purpose and with more energy.
Moses continual story of encouragement within the discouragement shows us that to stay focused, leaders must periodically retreat from the crowd and get their inner compass set to true north.
How do we easily lose focus many times in our lives?
Stephen Covey says: "...we waste our energy on 'urgent and unimportant' events."
It is essential that we take time out for reflection amongst all the distractions, stresses, and interruptions of life. If we do not take time to set our purpose straight, we may lose sight of it altogether.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #9: All leaders are flawed because they are imperfect
Moses is known for being one of the greatest leaders to ever live by all races and people. He is also known for being a flawed leader who made mistakes.
It is natural for most to want to do things perfectly, but there is no such thing as being perfect when it comes to humanity.
The amazing thing about leadership is: Those that make mistakes get back up again and keep going. This is true leadership success.
When you fall and/or make a mistake, get back up again and realize that this is part of the process.
You are going to make mistakes! Acknowledge your error, accept responsibility, and correct the damage. Get back up again and keep going.
Remember, “Humility always comes before honor.”
Success is failure turned inside out!
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #10: Team building habits (rituals)
As you read about Moses and review all the rituals outlined in the journey, you ask yourself - "Why were there so many rituals?"
The reason why: If people had just made up the practices as they went along, they would have missed countless opportunities for what we call 'team building' today.
From the simplest to the most complex, rituals are a way for men and women to demonstrate key values and affirm their sense of belonging to a group.
Take time to connect with those you are relating with. Let things be an event, so that life is counted as special.
It is not about the destination, but about the process and journey that is the most important – what we become in the journey.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #11: The days of rest (relax, contemplate, re-create, and enjoy one day per week)
It is imperative that you take time every week to rest. If you do not, you will eventually wear down and not be as productive.
There is a reason why Moses was instructed to give the people one day of rest per week.
This one-day per week is to be used to reflect on your week; to relax; to have some recreation; to get energized; to get yourself focused again.
In fact, as you work with passion and focus through the week, we would recommend you take little rests to become focused again.
Scientific history is full of stories about great discoveries that were made when periods of intense concentration were followed by a time for play and relaxation.
Take time every week to rest, rejuvenate, focus, recreate, set your goals, and achieve your dreams.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #12: Share your burden (do not carry the burden on your own)
People surrounded Moses every day that needed help in every area. Moses gave of himself, his care, his concern, and the wisdom given to him from the experiences and the teachings in the journey.
Moses, most likely, was burning out. He was doing the unthinkable... going it all by himself.
As leaders have it, there are always answers that come along to those that keep-plodding forward - Moses father-in-law gave him some awesome advice to have others help him carry the burden.
Moses, with his inner understanding, faith, and a few others found several competent people and gave them responsibilities to help with the workload.
Moses delegated!
To thrive, you must delegate.
The interesting thing that Moses father-in-law (Jethro) told Moses was: "Do not appoint ten brilliant men, but ten capable, trustworthy men.
The best illustration is conveyed from the views of two stonecutters:
The first said, "I am cutting this stone into blocks." The other said, "I am on a team that is building a cathedral."
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #13: Reinvent yourself in adversity (during challenges and problems)
For a moment, take a quick look at one of the most powerful princes of his time - Moses.
Moses had to flee Egypt, the most powerful nation at that time.
He ran for his life into the desert and ended up in Midian. He became a shepherd in Midian, which was his ultimate mission in life. He went from being one of the most powerful princes of the time to a shepherd. Not what Moses would have ever thought?
The shepherd's staff became a symbol of his leadership and power. Exile in the desert (Midian) created the leader, Moses.
What are some modern exiles?
? Bankruptcy
? Business Failure
? Divorce
? Death of a love one
? Sickness
? Termination of job
? ...
Deep within each of us is the seed of renewal, often discovered only when we confront the fears of change, rejection, and exile. If you can believe that the experience of exile will push you to greater heights that belief will help you get through the initial shock to the revelations that adversity can bring.
The most important lesson you can learn about adversity - "Do not judge something at first, because what may seem like a negative situation can actually be the blessing you have been looking for."
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #14: Support your people (be there for others)
Moses stood up for the people of Israel! Even when most of the entire nation of Israel went against Moses leadership, he put his own life on the line.
His support for his people was steadfast and absolute.
It is more important to not waiver - but stand up for those you know. No one can guarantee the fate of a company or an industry. Your commitment to your team (your people) is the only guarantee there is in business. As you make the daily commitment to be steadfast, the favor will be returned to you over time.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #15: Defend justice because it is the right thing to do
All leaders eventually learn that no good deed goes unpunished.
As a leader you must stand against injustice every time it occurs. Expect no thanks, no glory, and no support for your actions.
Like Moses, people who stood out against him when he did what was right, you may encounter the same thing.
Your willingness to stand against injustice will win you the one element all great leaders possess: the trust of their followers. Trust takes time and is cumulative. It is the constant of you doing what is right that builds the account.
As Moses found out, eyes are everywhere. Your actions will be discovered and discussed, praised and cursed, as Moses encountered in his life. Because Moses did not waver in his direction, he was assured, "They (the people) will hearken to your voice."
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #16: Have compassion, but stick to the principles
Moses was a very compassionate person but did not let anyone bend the rules. He balanced compassion and true commitment to principles very well. This kept the Israelites going down the correct path as a nation.
Moses' commitment to his faith matched only by his compassion for his people created turmoil in him regularly. He struggled with this balance all his life but kept trying.
It is a hard thing to be tough on someone with truth, but when done with compassion and care, this will change lives. Some will reject the truth, but others will take hold of your compassion and the commitment to principles and their life will change for the better.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #17: Gossip is harmful
Take a moment and envision the following scenario….
You live in a town of let’s say 10,000 people…. The wind is blowing about 25 miles per hour. There is a pillow. You see your neighbor cut the pillow open. This is not foam filled pillow – it is a goose down pillow. In other words, this pillow has about 5,000 goose feathers in it.
The wind blows these feathers all over town, the country beyond town, and any other area you can imagine.
You are thinking, what do feathers being blown around have to do with gossip? Gossip works in the same way! How can you go out and find and pick-up all 5,000 feathers – you cannot! It is an impossible task.
Moses made it very clear that any gossip was forbidden! Why?
When a person gossips, three people are damaged: the teller; the listener; and the target.
The bottom line: Do not talk about other people unless it is good, loving, caring, kind, compassionate, builds up, encouraging, and of good report.
There is an ancient proverb that says, “Gossip is the brother of the enemy”.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #18: Maintain honest business
When we are not honest, we pay a price. In life, the TRUTH will always find us out – good or bad.
When we are not honest in our business, we lose self-respect, we become less sensitive, and we lose trust between with people.
The best policy is to always do what is right. In the long run, we live longer lives, sleep better at night, have a clean conscience, sow fields that will reap healthy harvests, and we build solid trust relationships.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #19: Get on the level (be where each person is at in their life)
When you deal with anyone, get on his or her level.
When you stop and think about people, including yourself, we are all on different levels, have different life experiences, have different skills, have different upbringings, have different goals and dreams, have different educations, and different … everything!
To be effective in life, we must learn how to get on the level with each person we meet. In other words, we must see and feel where each person is and where he or she wants to go – if you will do this, you will see greater successes in your life.
Moses was able to experience each person and where they were coming from. He was a true leader and walked among the people – that is why he was able to lead as a leader.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #20: Know where you have been and where you are going
Leadership is all about leading, which is being able to influence others.
People can sense that you really care, that you really understand, that you really know where you want to go, and that you really believe passionately in what you are doing.
If you have this, you will be able to know where you are going, end up where you want to go, and help others get to where they want to go.
Knowing where you are going and knowing where you are at will give you the power to make wise decisions, lead with confidence, and empower others.
Moses taught the people how to survive in the desert. When you know where you are and where you are going, you can teach your team and others how to be survivors and overcome.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #21: The Direct Path is sometimes not the best
Think about it for a moment … ponder … life … the many twists, turns, challenges, mistakes, hurdles, problems, and … just about anything else that keep you from where you are going.
If you review and study successful people from all walks of life, what do you see in many of the success cases? The very success of each person came from the very challenges they did not want to face. The good news is, “Each person of fame in every walk of life, in every culture, in every income bracket, from rich to poor, faced the challenge and allowed the challenge and the long road to become the very answer to where they wanted to go.”
If you look at Moses and the three million plus people he led, he took the long route – 40 years! A few weeks' journey took 40 years! I know you are thinking, “WHAT? WHY? HOW COME?”
Many times, in life, we may think we are ready for where we are going, but we are not. We need preparation time. We need to build certain areas (character, patience, understanding, wisdom, relationships, and many other areas) to be able to get to the destination of success.
The shortest time and the shortest route … are many times not the best way.
Listen to what you are experiencing and what is going on around you daily as you are making your trek through life’s journey. I know you will be amazed at what you find out.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #22: It is good to make plans and follow them, but….
It is very important in life to make plans and do our best to follow them. In fact, we might have the right plan, be called to do this certain plan, but our timing might be completely off.
As Moses tried to carry out the plans of liberating his people, he took the plan into his own hands and did not ask and wait for the right time and right resources. He tried to set his people free in his own strength, time, and resource. He failed miserably.
The good news is Moses waited, listened and learned how to have “the work of his hands” directed … From this, Moses became one of the greatest leaders of all time, helped more than three million people become free from the most powerful nation at that time, and established a nation that has changed the course of history in all areas.
Make your plans, work your plans, and let “the work of your hands” be established and directed.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #23: There is always a way of escape
Can you imagine having one of the most powerful armies’ races towards you with their fierceness, their weapons, their might, and their mass? And, to make matters worse, how about not having defensive weaponry? How about being in a place where you could not hide, run, and hide from your enemy?
Well … This did happen. As Moses led his people free from the Egyptians, he was led through a geographical area where the Israelites could go nowhere. They were cornered against the Red Sea with nowhere to go. Most of the people complained against Moses. Most of the people thought they were dead. Most of the people wanted to surrender and go back as slaves.
Moses did not know what was going to happen next. He knew he had only one answer: The way of escape. He prayed and asked what he should do. He received an answer, and like most of us, did not like the answer. In fact, to succeed in life, we must be willing to do things that are not in our agenda, do things that are not comfortable, do things that go against our human nature….
Moses acted on this situation by being still!
Can you see the picture – the enemy racing towards you and your people? A huge storm of dust! Hundreds of chariots! Tens of thousands of elite soldiers! All coming at you and your people!
Moses was given instruction: Quit crying, act in faith, tell the people to move on, raise your staff, stretch your staff over the water (the Red Sea), and part the Red Sea!!!
This has had never been done before! When we are in action in our life progressing forward towards what we are trying to accomplish, and we listen carefully and be still, GREAT THINGS WILL HAPPEN!!!
But … we must be willing to do things that seem out of the ordinary. We must be willing to allow challenging situations to mold us towards the right and proper answers for our WAY OF ESCAPE!
What you are you doing today to allow challenges to give you your answer?
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #24: Servant Leadership
When you do what is right for your people (team), as Moses did, and you lead as a servant, your enemies will be conquered.
Look at the results of what happened after Moses used his staff and the Red Sea was parted.
You can see the high walls of water tens of feet on each side. The expanse of more than three million people in awe at the power released because of Moses servant leader heart.
Moses people went across the floor of the Red Sea … from a total wet bottom to a dry bottom.
Yet, the elite Egyptian army is still racing towards them. The Israelites (Moses people) hurried across … the floor of the Red Sea.
Moses released because he did what was right with a servant leader heart.
What happened next?
As most of the Egyptians were in the bottom of the Red Sea, Moses stretched his staff across the Red Sea and the water went back to its place and drowned all the Egyptians.
As Moses and his team (people) traveled, fear swept across entire countries and empires because of the incredible things that took place.
As you lead others, you will run into challenges. Do not fear. Do what is right with a servant’s heart of leadership and you will win for your team and you.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #25: When there seems to be no resources, money, and time, look again!
Can you imagine being led to take millions of people into the desert!!!
Think about it … no water, no food, 115 to 125 degrees, fatal insects … Just the resources they were carrying with them.
Moses knew he is supposed to take these ex-slaves to a promised land of comfort, food, water, resources, enterprise, and land. But he must take them through the desert.
If you were one of these people, whom you are at many times in your life, what would you be thinking?
How we are thinking and how we are looking and the goal we have our eyes on determines our results. If it were not for Moses and the great leaders he had on his team, they would have never arrived at the destination they were going to.
If you review the story, it is like all of us. We go through life trying to get somewhere, accomplish things, reach destinations, and go places … the only problem is, if you look at some people’s lives, they stop and camp out in their life. What do I mean? They are going somewhere, and the Desert gets too hot. They are thirsty and starving. They feel that it is too much to go on … so they camp and never move forward again to the goal ahead of them. The unfortunate thing is, many never get back on the road again to accomplish the things they set out to do.
To be a leader requires looking at things from a different perspective, a different angle, a different belief … Moses had millions of people that had gone without water for three days. What would you have done at this point?
I am sure Moses was wondering, “What in the world should I do? I am just a man. Where am I going to find water for these people? I do not even know the geography of this desert …”
Moses evaluated what was at hand (the resources available to him), the predicament (the challenge confronting you), where he was supposed to take these people (the goal), and he came to a conclusion that he could not find the adequate resources in the natural realm (what we see with our eyes), and he rested in his belief by seeking and praying for the answer.
Have you ever come to the end of yourself and done this? Because you knew you did not have the answer to your situation? There is great power in knowing that we know very little in life and being willing to confront the situation with honesty and humility.
His belief was, “what can I do now?”
His answer to the challenge came, but it was in a way he would have never imagined. He was given the solution for providing water to millions of people.
He was instructed to do something out of the norm … seemed crazy … he was told to throw a piece of wood into a huge body of water that was poisonous. He listened, followed the instruction, and did it!
Have you ever felt fearful about what others might think?
If you evaluate many successful people in life over the last several thousand years, you will find out something very interesting. All these people started becoming successful when they stopped caring about what others might think of them (their fear).
Look around you today. Stop. Look for challenges in your life to be your answer, because that is the case in most people’s lives when they succeed!
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #26: Leaders are criticized and held to a higher standard
Who did the people go to when they got thirsty and hungry again?
They complained to Moses stating that he did not care, that he brought them out to the desert to die, that they would have been better off as slaves, that … it was Moses fault for the predicament they were in.
When you lead, you will be held to a higher standard and more people will criticize you.
Does this mean you should not be a leader? Absolutely not!!!
It means that you will need to understand where you are at, where you are going, and be willing to work through the difficulties of what people bring to you (their thoughts, their feelings, their doubts, their challenges, their...).
The people grumbled to Moses saying, “Why do you bring us out here to die?”
You might be in the situation where an individual or group or company or organization is against you that you thought was with you. What do you do?
Well, what did Moses say and do?
He cried out and said, “What am I to do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me.”
This is a life and death situation for Moses. He gave up his all-powerful position with the greatest nation of that time. He gave up his successful enterprise as a sheepherder. He gave up his family privacy. He gave up all for these people and they ended up complaining against him and blaming him.
Sounds like a grave situation from all sides for Moses.
So, what did Moses do? He cried out!!!
He looked to the Almighty, believed, waited for an answer, listened, and activated the answer he was given, and HE SUCCEEDED!!!
He took his staff and hit the rock and enough water came gushing out to quench the thirst of millions of people!!!
If you feel like your situation is desperate and you feel like others are against you, do not fret!!! Realize that this will happen to leaders that dare to be great! In fact, if you have opposition in your life, let it work for you.
Do the following consistently and you will succeed over time:
Stop – Evaluate – Goals – Destination – Listen – Decision – Activate!
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #27: The greatest leaders always continue to learn from others
The old saying is true: “the day you camp out is the day you die.”
This means that if you:
? Quit learning;
? Stop listening to other leaders;
? Do not humble yourself by knowing that you are a leader because others trust you and your influence;
? Remember where you have come from;
? Focus on what you are doing today and where you are going; and
? Do not keep growing in understanding, knowledge, ideas, activities, and other areas of life out of your box …
You have stopped growing and will not sustain or grow as a leader….
Jethro, Moses father-in-law, visited Moses in the desert. Moses told Jethro about all the great things: The 10 plagues; the Red Sea; the provisions of water and food; Moses people’s shoes and clothing not wearing out; and all the other incredible things that took place.
Jethro changed his beliefs and gave honor to Moses.
After this, Jethro stayed and observed the daily happenings. From this, Jethro suggested that Moses activate judges who would oversee the doings, disputes, and happenings of the millions of people.
Moses listened to Jethro and activated what Jethro suggested. From this, Moses became a greater leader, was able to focus on his gifts with more ability, provided better service to the people, and obtained greater results quicker.
Be aware of leaders that come to you, listen to the leaders, and become a greater leader yourself.
Be humble in your life with others.
Life Lesson, Life Principle, and Life Truth #28: Many open doors are known as crisis
Crisis is sometimes the only door to change.
Human nature causes all of us to grow comfortable with what we know. This is acceptable if you can persist in your leadership growth. The problem is: Most people do not change because they start believing they are secure. The only security is change, which causes us to continue to grow.
If you can accept this, embrace this truth, and apply this to your life, you will always grow and see challenges and problems as a stepping-stone for your leadership success.
Once a crisis is recognized for what it is, a spirit of open-mindedness - sparked by the urge to survive - replaces the old assumptions. Most people can and do rise to the challenge.
?Above the Standard
"Increase Profits, Reduce Cost"
Erwin Jack | [email protected] | AboveTheStandard.net
About Above the Standard
Above the Standard has global experience empowering and changing the lives for many executives, leaders, and organizations in more than 100 nations, having increased profits in the tens of billions of dollars, with sustainable outcomes.
Above the Standard is a dedicated and highly motivated leader and executive with more than 30 years global Business, Training, Strategic, Procurement, Finance, and Leadership experience in many different industries, from small to Fortune MNC’s.