From the beginning of mid February to mid of April an experiment was conducted.

The mission was to figure out something that was known too well but you can never go wrong with evidence.

So sit back, relax, pour yourself a glass of water and read the discoveries.

It started like a joke.

A bite of cake here, a cup of sugared tea there.

Maybe today I'll eat my food with chapati.

Feeling a bit empty in the stomach, fill it up with whatever is available.

That's how OMAD- one meal a day- turned into two or three meals a day.

I'm not the biggest fan or promotes of breakfast in the morning, but by 11 am I was definitely chewing something other than gum.

And then maybe, sometimes at 4 pm a cup of tea and diner at 6 pm.

When I was a kid, I used to find Americans to be weird, especially in movies.

You want to tell me that they ate their supper by 6 or 7 pm.

That fact disturbed me mentally.

Everybody I knew, in fact I suspected the whole country ate the supper at around 7 to 9 pm.

It was called supper or diner for a reason.

It was meant for the night.

Why are they eating it when the sun is still around.

Fast forward many years later I completely get it.

Personally, food after 7 pm, just doesn't cut it.

I'll feel heavier, slower, and just in active.

Back to the main story.

As you can see I was churning through food like no man's business.

To be honest, a contributor to that habit was the new training routine I adopted that included not just 1 but 2 meals a day.

I was already used to just one meal.

And now I have to eat two so that I can get the results in 90 days.

Count me in!

What I didn't calculate for was the mental fortitude was about to be tested.

Dopamine and feel good emotions were to be tested.

To cut the short story long, here's what I learned

  • Foods cooked in seed oils are still bad for the body.
  • Foods cooked in natural oils like tallow and cold press coconut oil just taste better.
  • The flour, sugar, and pastries will leaved you bloated and swollen.
  • A day cannot pass by without a gassy feeling in the stomach.
  • Training the body as a whole unit over separate parts has been a game changer.
  • Getting drawn back in into habits of constantly wanting to eat or having the stomach with something is super easy.
  • Just like in addiction recovery, all it takes is that one bite.
  • Fermented foods like porridge or sauerkraut don't taste so great but your gut will surely appreciate.
  • Poor eating habits led to my face showing pimples and some roughness.
  • Brain fog happened more often and took longer to clear.
  • Discipline and motivation were directly affected.

It was a fun ride.

I won't lie, I quite enjoyed it. Sometimes.

But majority of the time, it felt unnatural and out of place.

If you are on your own personal development journey, I'd urge you to try taking up different styles of living and eating for a couple of months to see how it feels.

One month won't cut it.

A minimum of 3 is good, 6 months that a banger right there.

Do whatever feels right to you but do it with the intention of securing your future self the best physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial upper hand.

Tell me what you think in the comments down below, and ask any question.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

P.S. A great habit to adopt is drinking about 2 glasses of water after waking up. look up the benefits. Cheers.


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