What are the 12 brand archetypes (and why do they matter)?
Amber Badger
Award-winning Communications Consultant at The Wild Wordsmith ??? ?? ??, Speech and Language Therapy student at HSU ??? and Wellbeing Practitioner at Wild Wellbeing.
If you really want to experience the impact of damn good words, then you need to start by taking an enormous step back… Who actually is your brand, at its very core?
We’ve all heard about brand personalities. You may have even already started to visualise the ‘who’ of your brand; you know, what do they look, smell and sound like (this one can border on creepy).
But, have you explored brand archetypes??
Just as a fictional character is crafted to help the reader understand their motivations and actions, a brand archetype is designed to take our audience on a journey; one that connects, deeply and emotionally.
A brand archetype is a way of giving a brand a character: it gives a business a more human feel which, in turn, defines the voice that we want to express within our content and the feelings we want to evoke from the reader.
As a general rule, there are 12 brand archetypes: Creator, Innocent, Caregiver, Sage, Ruler, Explorer, Hero, Lover, Magician, Jester, Outlaw and Regular Person. Which one are you?
The Creator
The Creator is all about freedom and innovation. They experiment. They’re ambitious. And they love pushing boundaries.
The Creator delivers a product or service that their audience?wants?to invest in, simply because it’s something they need to be a part of. They tend not to do things by half measures and - as the name suggests - creativity is kind of their jam.
Their voice may sound…?Ballsy and to the point. They don’t fluff their words. Their mega mind does the talking for them. In fact, they’re all about maintaining intrigue.
The Innocent
The innocent is a real sweetheart. They search for the best in all situations, and strive to pour a positive light across anything they’re involved in.?
They’re happy, reliable and can always be counted on. It makes them one of the most trustworthy of the archetypes.
Their voice may sound…?Gentle, happy-go-lucky and (potentially) a tad safe. They don’t want to rustle any feathers, and so they try to keep their content as jolly as they can.
The Caregiver
The Caregiver likes to save people; whether this is through a shoulder to lean on, education to guide them or an ear to listen.
They want to serve and support. It’s their entire ethos. They’re also enormously generous and, basically, pretty flippin’ wonderful.
Their voice may sound…?Super humble and soft. You won’t catch them bragging about their 10k months or their 6 figure clients. They’re more concerned with how their customers and clients feel, deep down.
The Sage
The Sage is for all my fellow ‘woo’ lovers and moonbeams, because it’s the archetype that sizzles with spirituality and authenticity.?
The Sage values knowledge and connection; they’re always striving to share their knowledge and inner truth. They’re also open, flexible and forever ready to lay honesty down on the table.
Their voice may sound…?Reflective and emotive. Their content will show how they are an expert in their field while creating stories that tap into the hearts of their readers.
The Ruler
The Ruler is all about power and perfection. They lead and are on a mission to build a lasting legacy.
They’d never be seen to make a mistake or lose face; they want to be the best of the best, and that means getting it 100% right, every time.
Their voice may sound…?Authoritative, clean cut and dominant. You’re unlikely to see The Ruler pushing the limits with their content; they’re more likely to stick meticulously to the rulebook.
The Explorer.
Adventure? Check. Freedom? Double check. Sounds like you may well be The Explorer.
The Explorer boasts reams of independence and they aren’t afraid to be seen as a bit of a misfit; actually, they revel in it. They’re the type that won’t colour within the lines, and instead find their fulfilment from rapid change and freedom.
Their voice may sound…?VERY EXCITABLE! The Explorer is daring and fearless, so don’t be surprised if you see a fair few profanities in their content.
The Hero.
The Hero is the master - they’re the one who promises unparalleled quality alongside a heady dose of self-confidence and the trust factor.?
Much like The Ruler, they value perfection. They have an eye for detail that borders obsessive, and they carry out all of their work with candid honesty.
Their voice may sound…?like it’s going to keep you safe and looked after. They’ll show you that they’re not only the boss, but also the one to protect and nurture you.
The Lover.
WELL… The Lover is a tad gorgeous. They’re fully led by their emotions and are passionate and, at times, kinda sensual.
Beauty matters to them, and they want things to look and feel indulgent. They're also a giver, and do everything they can to maintain a positive, harmonious relationship with everyone around them.
Their voice may sound…?Like hot caramel dripping off of a spoon. Their words ooze and feel like a true treat to read.
The Magician.
Consider yourself a brand that thinks outside of the box? The Magician takes that box and pulls a bleedin’ elephant out of it.
With The Magician, you need to expect the unexpected. They build their business on imagination and encourage free-thinking and big, bold ideas.
Their voice may sound…?Who knows?! The Magician plays by their own rules, and so when it comes to their content you’d best expect wild and wacky in abundance.
The Jester.
The Jester craves fun; as much as they can get of it. They’re playful and entertaining, and while they deliver on value, they aren’t natural problem solvers.
They want life to be simple and not to take things too seriously. Carefree? Absolutely.
Their voice may sound…?v.comedic and even a bit teasing. Most of their content will revolve around grabbing a laugh, and they don’t tend to put their serious pants on.
The Outlaw.
Oo-er… The Outlaw is a bit of a bad-ass. Also known as The Rebel, they’re unconventional and are on a mission to take their audience on one hell of a ride.
Outrageous, shocking and disruptive are just three words that may come to mind when you meet The Outlaw. Expect them to put their all into everything.?
Their voice may sound…?Completely and utterly mind-blowing. Everything they send out into the world has one intention at its core; make an epic impact.
The Regular Person.
While I’m sure none of us love the idea of being called ‘regular’, The Regular Person actually has a super important part to play.
The mentality of their brand is that they’re just like you, and you’re just like them. They couldn’t be more humble if they tried, and try to cultivate a sense of belonging between themselves and their customers.
Their voice may sound…?Like a really warm hug. They’re gentle with their language, never forceful and always welcoming.