What Is the No. 1 Question You Want Answered?
Instead of our most popular session, something perhaps more valuable.
At our H1 FX Summit this year, NeuGroup’s Anne Friberg came up with a nifty variation of our most popular meeting session, where members share their top projects and priorities (for more on that topic, please see my May 22nd email). In place of that session, Anne asked our FXMPG1 and 2 members, “What is the one question you want answered before you leave the summit?”
The necessity of asking that single, focused question derived from some basic math: It’s difficult for just one peer group to complete a projects and priorities session in a timely manner, so it’s almost unthinkable to try it at meetings combining two groups!
The response to this change in the post-meeting feedback survey was overwhelmingly positive. Here are two comments from members:
? “I prefer the introduction session to kick off with the No. 1 question, as opposed to everyone rattling off all of their projects. I found myself approaching some members afterwards to comment on their most pressing issues and share how we managed a similar situation.”
? “No. 1 Question is a WAY better usage of time than going around room with priorities. Quite a few of my peers felt this way as well! Great idea to just print those out and do No. 1 question from now on!”
We also asked if members got their No. 1 questions answered: 93.4% said they either got their question answered completely (16.7%) or that they know their next step to get a complete answer (76.7%).
These comments on next steps are also illuminating for our connect and exchange mission:
? “I didn't get my #1 question answered, but I did realize from the discussion that most of my peers have the same issues, so at least it was a little like therapy.”
? “The after-meeting follow-up provided to me was very beneficial because it gave me the tools to perform further research. Thanks!”
? “While my No. 1 question wasn't addressed in the specific sessions, I was able to gather enough information through reaching out to other members during lunch, breaks or at the group dinner.”
? “While the question was not answered completely, which was concerning how others employ net investment hedges, I had a handful of conversations with other members who shared with me how such hedges meet their strategic objectives. I look to follow up via email/phone with at least one of them.”
Do you have a No. 1 question that you want answered? Maybe NeuGroup can help.
This article was originally published in my Founder's Edition weekly email (delivered each Tuesday). Click here to subscribe!
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
6 年Looking forward to the AT30 in Seattle next month!