What is the #1 quality of a Leader?
Why is it when you read articles and books about Leadership, you rarely read about being a Servant?
We have all seen top ten lists, top five must have attributes, even the top twenty-five characteristics a great leader must own to be successful. The number of books and articles is endless.
We could compile a list important to each of us as well as condense what we read down to the top 5 and still end up with 50+. They of course range from Integrity to Humility to Communication to Strategic to Listener to Inspirational etc...
The trait/characteristic/quality I personally feel is most important is being a Servant. Please know, I passionately believe the traits I listed above along with many others are also important to possess. However, if I were to choose one word that best describes what an amazing leader should be it is being a Servant. I can argue that integrity is a remarkably close second as it is also a must have quality.
A Servant to me is one that is faithful, devoted, helpful, humble, ready to serve, always ready to meet the needs of others, and to remember that it is not about money or reward. Now, I know this may sound far-fetched in the business world, but is it?
Perhaps we can all argue that in business it is about making money, or the business cannot stay open. However, if a leader is faithful, devoted, etc... then the Team all around them become Servants themselves. A Team of unselfish Servants is not only a winning Team but the Team I would want to lead or a Team I would want to be a part of, that team is filled with everyone doing their part. Being thankful and unselfish while being grateful and humbled to be on the Team.
Being a Servant is not only the most critical quality of a leader in my opinion, it is the most infectious trait that will create an incredible Team and work environment that never stops serving, thus never stops winning.
You cannot be a great leader without being a Servant, it is time for us all to infect those on our Teams, and all around us with the heart of a Servant.