Adeniran Bamisaye
Author || Writer || Content Management ||Public Relations and Media Strategist|| Storytelling
My recent article on the disqualification of Erica from the Big Brother reality show attracted a lot of reactions/feedback. I was overwhelmed by the number of responses I got, especially by people who would normally read and pass. Also, it was an opportunity to see deeper into how the show is shaping viewers perception about life. Though I am not a fan of seasonal movies or TV series, I have a few that I follow(ed); 24hours, Nikita, Spatacus and Game of thrones are a few that got my attention.
Based on my academic background, research and observation, I have a deep understanding of how media content can influence a person’s life. The eyes and ears are entry channels into the life of a human. What enters into a life comes out in a life and society. To put in another way, what we are seeing in our society today are some of the harvests from the media contents we have consumed. With that in mind, I am careful about the kind of contents I expose myself to. I also know that I have a unique mind/brain that captures and recalls experiences at will.
One of my major concerns in all of this is if people are sensitive enough to the kind of content they are consuming and what it could do to them. Also, how many people are learning in the process. I should also not forget to ask if we consume those contents with our ‘value sieve’ intact. Do we consider the younger generation in this?
For the younger generation especially, what is the content you are consuming doing to you? What are you learning from the show?
Where we are today is the result of the combination of the what we have been made to believe and what we have done with what we have been made to believe. It is said that knowledge is power, but the true power in knowledge is in the value it carries. In my candid view, that is the power in knowledge- the value such knowledge adds to society.
Permit to close with this thought; is it your values that dictate the kind of contents you consume or you build your values on the contents you consume?
To be continued…
have a blessed week ahead
Your friend in learning.
Adeniran Bamisaye
IG/Twitter: @NiranBamisaye