Who Inspires You?

That’s a question that I get asked all the time by my client’s and I share this story with them every time…so Now I’m going to share it with you.

Back in 2011 my best buddy, who was station manager at a local radio station, told me that one of his DJ’s wanted to publish a book.

I arranged to meet with him and see how I could help him achieve his dream.

After talking with him for about an hour I gave him my website details so he could check me out and decide the best route for him.

The next day he called me and said he couldn’t afford my fees for publishing, but thanked me for my time and advice.

I just had a strange feeling about this client, so, I asked him to send me his manuscript and I would take a look at it for him.

After reading it I felt compelled to publish it for him for nothing. It had brought me to tears.

It had taken him over 65 years to put it together, a lifetime you could say.

When he was three years of age his mother had passed away, his father was a soldier, and back then men weren't ‘allowed’ to raise children.

So, he and his brother were taken into a Catholic Children's home in Dublin and kept there for 16 years.

The physical, mental and sexual abuse that they went through was horrific.

However, He had written it in such a beautiful way that I felt compelled to publish it. I knew it would help many others who had gone through the same things.

After publishing it a couple of months later I remember going round to his flat and telling him to put his laptop on.

He did this, and I said to him, “ go onto Amazon and type your book title in”.

He did this and said to me, “ What’s this little orange box with a #1 in it?”

I said, “ who do you think you are, JK Rowling”.

But I knew it had hit #1 in the bestsellers list.

When I congratulated him he looked at me and sat back in his chair, and tears rolled down his face.

Now, 6 months before he had lost his wife of 40 years.

He said to me, There are things in that book that even my wife didn’t know.

I can now go to her with no pain left inside me.

I just wish I could pay you for doing this for me he said.

I cried, and through the tears, I said. You’ve just paid me in full.

His book went on to #1 in 5 countries, a facebook group was set up for people who’s relatives had been imprisoned in the same children's home.

Through his writings, he had helped hundreds of people to come to terms with what had happened in his life, and it all started with a book.

So, if you have a story to share, whether its to help others, or, just for kicks, you owe it to yourself to get your book published and leave a legacy for future generations.

You could be someone else's inspiration to get their book published.

This story did and still does inspire me to help others get their message out into the world.


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