WFH: Is the team truly engaged?
Anushukaa R.
Marketing Communications Leader | Brand Decoder | Digital Marketing | Performance Coach
Work from home (WFH)! Our new normal! Most of us weren't trained to do this. We are all learning on the job. And, let me just say most of us have adapted amazingly well.
Leaders, on the other hand, are trained to manage employees and keep them engaged. More so during a crisis.
Employee engagement even in the best of times is a shoddy affair! And, in times like this, it is indispensable and no longer optional for #leaders. Whether working from home or office, engaged employees have a huge impact on organizational/business #success. And, trust is at the core of this. More so, in this new normal.
In the past two weeks, I have heard of numerous accounts of stretched work hours. Some beyond 14 hours (no kidding!), including weekends. And, these are not requests or optional. But, an unspoken part of the JD now. With no added benefits or privileges, if you please! Some leaders have given team meetings a complete miss. Daily trackers. Decisions taken and tasks assigned not discussed. More trackers. A stuffed and overflowing work schedule. And, you have the perfect recipe for a disengaged and burnt out #team!
I find myself asking if these are just pre-existing trust gaps? Or, if this is simply the #micromanagement disease.
Leaders also find themselves in choppy waters with managing teams and keeping the business viable for the new future. And, this is where they step up, be honest, and do better. New Zealand's PM has established an impressive leadership precedent in these tough times on keeping teams (an entire nation) informed and connected.
And some leaders are making the effort. I hear my friends raving about how the boss is leaning on them for ideas now more than ever. (Feeling valued). An extra busy week? One leader sent out Slay Coffees to all his employees as a thank you! (Feeling appreciated!) And, in another friendly case, the mandatory Friday evening team meeting scheduled by the boss, was a surprise "movie & chill session" and no shop talk (Feeling connected)! Creative ways to keep the team engaged. Intent and priority are all it takes.
I firmly believe that at the end of this phase, we'll either have leaders or micro-managers leading us. And more committed teams or otherwise.
Amidst all this, we do need to find our voice. As we WFH, there are still things to be done at home (cooking, cleaning, laundry, online bill payments, and standing in long queues for basics!). Very important to define our #boundaries and take time to unwind. Work hours and off-work hours. Respecting boundaries of colleagues, equally so.
If we don't? Well, the lockdown may or may not get to us, but over-working definitely will. And, there's no real cure for that either.