WFH During Lockdown
What we found out
If you are not using video technology you are missing out on a key communication tool. Just 16% of teams are not using video technology regularly to keep up communication with their key stakeholders.
Where text based chat is more important, Email, Teams and Whatsapp are used. Email is often used for long more detailed conversation. Teams is widely used in larger companies who use the Microsoft Infrastructure whilst Whatsapp is used being used where finance communities either are newly formed, from an SME or taking place between colleagues that are already close socially.
Less distractions was cited as the best benefit of working from home, however other key benefits were the flexiblity it offered for families, a more bespoke workspace and the shorter commute.
Hugely suprising was just how much people value the office. 72% of staff would be much happier in their work if they could have 2 days or less at home, with just 14% of staff wishing to be at home 4 days or more.
Working from home is a key benefit and 55% of the regions accountants are willing to sacrifice between £1000 - £5000 of their salary demands on their next job to achieve it as demonstrated HERE
What is clear is that just one day a week from home would be almost universally welcomed.
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