WEZOM Case Studies Edition

WEZOM Case Studies Edition

STVOL: eCommerce for a leading gun store

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WEZOM‘s cooperation with STVOL is one of the best examples of the benefits of custom eCommerce development for unique business needs. It provided the store with unlimited opportunities for scaling, functional development, and the discovering new success formulas.

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HAULK: An individual eCommerce solution for a leader in the trucking industry

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The project allowed the company to apply its experience, infrastructure, and advantages to break into a new business area - auto parts retail.

  • 100% coverage of the HAULK audience with a modern online sales service;
  • Personalized eCommerce experience for all categories of customers, which was previously impossible.

The first buyers of the new store were the company's partners who have been using its services for a long time. The store also attracted a new relevant audience from the trucking industry.

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