#WEXIT won't be Utopia..but it's close enough
Mark Meincke
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Achieving the goal of peacefully creating an independent Western Canada won't be easy, nor will it be simple, but it will be worth it in the end.
Just as Brexit has encountered a seemingly endless barrage of delays, inevitably so will Wexit. After the successful referendum vote happens for separation, there will be an unavoidable litany of court challenges and public protests. In a fair Democracy, you can never please everyone. The best you can hope for is to obey the decision of the majority, for better or for worse.
The Wexit team has offered viable solutions to many of the challenges facing separation, and are continuing to develop their comprehensive operations plan. As Wexit advances the vote for separation to the poling stations, the Wexit team will continue to consult experts, and listen to the valid concerns of Western Canadians.
Fast forward to an independent Republic of Western Canada, and here is what you can expect.
- Massive growth across all Western Canadian industries, including the renewable energy sector.
By ending the internal economic attacks on Western Canada, investor confidence will be restored, and industry will be allowed to flourish. Releasing the west from superfluous and crippling regulations is just a start. An independent western Canada will create an environment which will attract auto-manufacturers, tech companies, and other high paying jobs.
2. The Republic of Western Canada will break the land lock.
The west is Land-locked, not by competing nations, but by our own country. This is unforgivable. Canada is a signatory to the UN convention which demands land-locked nations have access to tidewater for the purpose of import/export. Breaking this land lock, allows us to access a plethora of new markets, thus we will be able to fetch better prices for our products.
3. We will be permanently debt free
The greater the national debt, the weaker the nation. We will meet all of our needs, and still have a surplus. Only in the case of a national emergency, will we need to borrow funds. When this happens, we will commit to paying off the loan ASAP, so as to maintain a strong nation. When a nation is debt free, it saves BILLIONS a year in interest payments. This means more money for health care, education, and all other public services. Starting over gives us the opportunity to do it right.
4. Sensible Environmental Responsibility
We all breath the same air and drink the same water. The environment is existential. Any threat to the environment, is a threat to our own existence. An independent Western Canada will have a science based approach for mitigating environmental threats, and maintaining the quality of our air, water, and soil. This can be, and will be achieved while taking into account the needs of industry. It's a delicate balance between economic growth, and environmental sustainability, but we will always error on the side of the environment.
The over-all quality of life will greatly increase for Western Canadians, as we throw off the shackles of Ottawa. Of course, there will be a bumpy transition period, but once the dust settles, we will be the #1 pound for pound Nation on earth.