We've reflected on 2019, we've planned for 2020 - now ...
Mick Holloway
Strategic Marketing delivering constant, reliable growth. Helping you, grow your business through Market Oriented, Customer Focused Marketing. The Marketing team a growing business needs to deliver that growth
Hands up if you have reflected on how 2019 went for you ...
Keep those hands up if you have also planned how you are going to 'smash it' in 2020 ...
Keep those hands up if you are making any changes to your business to hit those 2020 targets ...
Brucey Bonus - keep your hands up if the review of 2019 informed the planning for 2020 which informed the changes you are making for 2020. I do hope so ;)
So, if your hands are still up ... great work, well done, 2020 - is already looking more likely to be your 'best year ever'.
One last thing to do ;) If you have 'changed things up', consider if these changes need to be reflected elsewhere in the business, has your 'why', 'what', or 'how' changed? And especially if 'who' you serve has changed! Review your sales/marketing to reflect these changes, consider your -
- Processes
- Branding
- Sales tools : content, strategies, collateral
- Marketing tools : content, strategies, collateral
- Digital assets : content, social media platforms, profiles, website
Now you're ready :D
Let us connect -
I am on Facebook here - www.facebook.com/mick.holloway
I am on Twitter here - @mick_holloway
I am on LinkedIn here - www.dhirubhai.net/in/mickholloway