We've Reached the Halfway Point of May for Men With BPH
Can you believe that we're already halfway through May? Unfortunately the global pandemic is still at large, so people are trying their best to follow safety protocols set by their local authorities. Among the community, there are those already living with other health conditions. We at SunJour have constantly focused on a specific health condition known as BPH, the medical term for prostate enlargement (it stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia). This condition in older men, which may begin to manifest around the age range of your 40s and becomes increasingly more likely to occur with older age and may be accompanied by symptoms such as frequent urinary urges and trips to the bathroom (especially at night), struggle to start and stop urinating, slow urinary flow, and sexual dysfunction.
The secondary effects of having such symptoms could mean sleepless nights, dissatisfaction in your sexual life, and frustration and discomfort over being bound to the nearest bathroom. Men may even develop depression if they feel their quality of life has been significantly compromised. As doctor's offices across the country begin to gradually open back up, and as telemedicine takes the forefront to keep patients safe, there are more options available for older men to get the support that they need. For men with mild symptoms, safe, plant based treatments may also be an option.
May is better sleep month and Asian Pacific Islander heritage month. What does this have to do with BPH? Well, the goal of men with BPH is to be able to get a better night's sleep! And, Asian men have lower incidence rates of BPH and other prostate health issues, possibly due to their healthy diet that is more inclusive of plants such as soy. We can learn more and take cues from the Asian community to live a healthier life and regain a good night's rest in benefit of men with BPH. Remember that traditional Chinese medicine is widely used worldwide, and it is possible that men with mild BPH could see some benefits, too. For the skeptics, it may also be beneficial for more clinical studies to occur.
Let's continue to support our community to be safe from the pandemic, and also men with BPH so there can be better strides in men's health in the second half of May, too!