We've Opened Up Registration to FlipperForce!
Hey Flippers,
I am excited to announce that we have officially opened up Registration for our new Flipper Force software!
You can register & create an account using the link below:
Once you create an account, you will be able to start Estimating Repair Costs, Analyzing Deals, & Managing your rehab projects!
As you utilize the software please let us know if you find any bugs, or have any ideas for new tools, features & functionalities.
To collaborate & communicate with our team, we have built feedback tools, polls & surveys that will help you collaborate on the development of the software.
To make our development process as transparent as possible we have built a 'New Features' page which you can use to follow our progress. We also have built a 'Product Road Map' so you can review our longer-term road map for the future of the software.
It's important to remember that this is just our 1st iteration of the software and we have built the basic foundation of tools and features. With you help, over the course of the next few weeks and months we will continue to enhance the software in our relentless pursuit to make the best house flipping software on the market!
If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know!
Thanks for your time and support!