We've launched HELIO on Kickstarter
After more than a year's effort prototypes are in and HELIO is up on Kickstarter. HELIO is the solar light and charger project I've been volunteering on.
The light is what I'd hoped for. For my own adventures it's a first tier light. I'll keep them In my house, car and with the camping gear. Whether out in the woods or when the power's out I ought always have a working light and ability to charge phones. For me the many other features are super-double-bonus.
My own use was one baseline of features when I took on the project. More importantly, I wanted to make a quality thing for people in developing nations to use as work lights and to keep phones charged. My motivation is keeping people productive and connected. HELIO does that and Makers4Good (and all my co-contributors) are committed to helping provide non-grid access to light and power.
Now it's time.
Please check out HELIO on Kickstarter. If you are inclined, get one for yourself. If you can fund lights for donation, so much the better. I'll be doing both. Please pass on the message.