We've come so far, and gone so long.
Seeing some brilliance on this platform and it's great.
Steve Blank should have to rewrite all of his previous material to now fit in a modern day society. Unlikely.
I want to combine 2020 - Game of Thrones Steve Blank:
with 2019 Customer Centered Steve
...and then have him go at it with 2005 Paul Graham.
Steve has a point though. The game is changing and companies, families, and governments have to adapt.
We tend to think of the beginning of a year as a new cycle, but one can easily argue that something new is happening now 3 months in.
Customer demand is high from what I've seen in the B2C market.
It's businesses that seem to be smacking lips at a US Government stimulus/safety net, which looks pretty good, on paper. Hoping that US consumers get something similar, which would be ironic because that's Andrew Yang's platform (UBI).
Industries getting the stimulus and receiving money from the government should continue to spend, grow, and lazer down on their core attributes to adapt and evolve.
Facebook is giving out small business grants/loans. Things are going to start getting interesting. These giant tech companies are sitting on wads of cash, that includes Apple Google. And Amazon, Microsoft... and maybe Tesla?
Trump said that Google is working on a Corona map. Sounds more like 2011. Google has extended far past the Geo-location tools. Based on theirs' and Alphabet's acquisitions/ IPO portfolios... Let's just say they've most likely already begin development and fast track to the Corona cure.
Evidently Roche is the first to market, given the green light by the FDA.
What's your data saying?
On a random note, who has the data on Corona Beer, and who is doing PR for them?