Wet  Hard Wood Floor - What To Do
Wood Floor Drying - Monitoring of Job

Wet Hard Wood Floor - What To Do

Wood Floor Drying - What is this?

This year I had the opportunity to talk at 9 ATFA (Australasian Timber Flooring Association) trade workshop about wood floor drying to my fellow ATFA colleagues.

So what is wood floor drying "Its the ability to salvage a hardwood floor after a water damage event – i.e. leaking sink, flex pipe leak, flood from storm event etc. as the owner does not want the floor replaced"EPA.

Can wet wood floors that been affected by a vanity overflow, flex hose burst or fridge leaking be dried by mechanical action? You find in many case if it is a hard wood floor there may be a chance of saving these floors by using a extraction system such as injectidry (negative pressurization pads). Designing a drying system that not only extracts water but push out the air through material to encourage vapor pressure...as Ken Larsen ( Leadership in Restorative Drying) would say "excite the material, let the water molecule giggle”

So you say why dry when you can replace? If I am allowed to speak from my heart I'd say wastefulness & conservation to replace every wood flooring, but this is a topic about salvaging Hard Wood Floor. There are many reason to why a floor must be saved. If it is a heritage floor (replacement would not be a viable option). Wood floor sitting on a large kitchen bench or the home owner want the drying and re-coating option as they like to colour or it they can have their home return to them in a more timely manner. Basketball court and sporting center’s floors generally should be saved, these floors are very costly and replacement can be a huge production exercise.

Can all wood floor can be saved? Not all wood floors, many floating floors, laminated and Bamboo floor cannot be dried as they would delaminate, or softwood that hold the lamella expands.

Just to conclude, the ability to save a wood floor is strictly determine by the time.

Ivi Sims is AFTA member and a Level 3 Accredited Contractor #951, IICRC – Triple Master Water Damage Restorer # 129 586. Ivi been in the specialized cleaning industry & restoration industry for more than 18 years. In the last 6 more years Ivi has keep her focus on wood floor drying and wood floor Inspection on water affected, concrete, sub-floor and drainage homes & commercial entity.

email: [email protected]


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