Westmeath Wisdom: Hindsight is 2020
Anne M. McCarthy
Business Communicator and Founder of Westmeath Global Communications
Examples of Visionary Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis
We’re all familiar with the expression “hindsight is 20/20.” Based on the wild ride we’ve taken for the first (almost) six months of 2020, I think it’s safe to say we’ve exceeded our finger-pointing quota and can live without any more “woulda shoulda coulda” commentary.
As a small business owner and an active member of a variety of communities, I say ENOUGH ALREADY! True leadership has nothing to do with revisionist history or participating in the blame game. True leadership is dealing with the hand you’re dealt; analyzing it; and moving forward.
We’ve all witnessed true leadership during the dark days of the COVID-19 quarantine. I am inspired by the resourcefulness and generosity of spirit demonstrated by many enterprises.
Re-opening guidance
Take a look at IMA Financial Group. They have consistently shared resources and designed tools to help employers and employees venture back to work. As an insurance company and financial services provider, IMA could have easily allowed larger competitors to fill the void. IMA’s recent Prep Symposium provided clients and non-clients with much needed guidance in how to responsibly re-open the workplace. IMA shared expert medical advice, risk mitigation strategies and an assortment of case studies – at no cost to employers and employees – to help business get back to business. Bravo, IMA!
Sharing knowledge and insights
That’s also true of the Northern Trust. Some of us are surviving this financial rollercoaster by holding our breath, closing our eyes and crossing our fingers. Northern put a stake in the ground and graciously shares knowledge and insights with interested members of the marketplace. Webcasts, white papers and insights are offered to clients and non-clients, reinforcing Northern Trust’s long-standing reputation as a credible source of information and a voice of reason. Keep it up, Northern!
News that matters to business leaders
What about Ballard Spahr? I rarely find myself praising lawyers or law firms, but hats off to Ballard Spahr! Their daily briefs consistently provide guidance and helpful alerts. The Corona Virus Disease 2019 Resource Center contains a treasure trove of up-to-date news, information and resources that matter to business leaders across a variety of industry sectors. Way to go, Ballard Spahr!
While the cynical person may say these gestures are simply strategies to generate business, I find each of these efforts to be examples of genuine leadership.
As we set our sights on the second half of 2020, let’s continue to shine a light on enterprises that are doing something right and devote our collective energy and resources to beat COVID-19!