Western Reunification: Defeating Separatism By Correcting The Travesty Of 1905
Anthony Mountjoy
Music Lessons and Recording Sessions at Mountjoy Music Studio. Corner of Betts and Smith.
Tansi. Defeating separatism through Western reunification. Correcting the political and economic imbalance between Western and Eastern Canada created in 1905 when what we now call Alberta and Saskatchewan were first divided after naturally growing into a single territory during the pioneering age. A cynical ploy by Ontario and Quebec hoping to ensure continued domination over Canadian economic interests and international affairs by disrupting the Indian-Pioneer alliance out-competing their trade heavy import dynasties. Much like today, these “Laurentians” were less interested in exporting than importing. And much like today they disrupted local production whenever they could. I can think of few things as disruptive as separating the producers themselves.
Isolating Indian partners on distant reserves across provincial lines, far from the pioneering families they’d prospered with for generations. Forcing them into “education programs”, beating and abusing them in some sort of cultural genocide while lying to the general public, and those who hunted with their grand fathers, about their crimes.
Destroying the founding engine that created Canada in the first place. This continued imbalance fundamentally hurts us all. Indian, French, and English alike. Even those who have come since inherit this dysfunction and live with the consequences. The Canadian dream remains stubbornly beyond our grasp by in-fighting promoted by this imbalance. Correct the imbalance; end the in-fighting...unlock the pioneering potential Canada’s original founders envisioned. Before the “powers that be” finally dared to step foot on our hard broken soil just to take it all away for power and greed.
Even as Western production eclipses the East in modern times, this deliberate political imbalance has been maintained by yesteryear’s prejudice and the results have been devastating. Economic uncertainty. Political unrest. Entire cities full of people being held hostage by federally imposed standards that don’t make sense where they live.
Can’t speak freely. Can’t use your own language. Always dancing around the discomfort of compromising enough to live without compromising so much the real you dies. That dark feeling you get when you think maybe, just maybe, the government doesn’t have your best interest in mind. Nobody really wants to think about what that really means. For many it’s easy to pretend and many more just want to run.
Too many desperately endorse separation from Canada even today. Both in the East and West. Feeling like year after year passes without anyone representing their views. Feeling like you live in a different world than those who make all the rules. It seems nobody is very happy with Ontario leaning so far East. Quebec gets too much bread to appreciate it and the West gets to do the dishes hoping there’s enough left overs to eat, too.
There’s only one clear solution. The reunification of Alberta and Saskatchewan into a single territory once again. Reunification draws both political and economic influence West, taking the pressure off Ontario and Quebec’s unhappy marriage of convenience. Leaving them free to pursue their independent interests within the broader context of a more diversified country. Once the responsibility is more evenly distributed across the people in all provinces and territories they won’t be so dependant on international import. A growing local economy can support a reliable increase of international exports in Canada generally as surely the increased Western influence would favour local production to empower the dollar.
In closing, I’d also like to suggest reestablishing migratory paths full of protected natural lands across Saskatchewan-Alberta, and certain roads, at least in the legal sense, so the Indian tribes can provide locally optimized distribution of goods at a price point not possible in today’s so called massive economy of scale. Which is really just a border heavy, overly bureaucratic, easily disrupted, regulatory nightmare trying to worm around legal entanglements inherent in the Parliamentary system. Indian paths maintained by the tribes should be beyond the federal economic purview of the East which too often tries to do too much too quickly because the TV says so... or the West which sometimes gets a little too drill happy or environmentally negligent.
Hopefully, it acts as a moderating force which all Canadians can depend upon and appreciate during uncertain times. A model for other provinces who want to do more to engage the Indian tribes in a modern age of mutual prosperity... friendship through pioneering production and trade. There are just so many things all three founding peoples do better than the others thanks to rich complimentary histories. Which through common need over a great deal of time created our unique family. There was a time when we understood this and worked together enjoying the best of each. We need a time like that again. M?kwec.