"Western Powers and the Impoverishment of Africa"
Jenrick Kibet
Lead Flight Simulator Engineer | Pilot Enthusiast | Aerospace Eng | AME | Project Manager | Software & Computer Eng | Data Eng & Analyst | CAD | Lead Drone Eng | UX-UI | Prompt Eng | System Administrator | Sales Eng |
Sub-Saharan Africa is a term used to refer to the region of Africa that is located south of the Sahara Desert. This region includes countries such as Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, among others.
The term "sub-Saharan Africa" originated as a way to distinguish this part of Africa from the northern and coastal regions of the continent, which are typically more economically developed and have a longer history of outside influence, particularly from Europe and the Arab world. The Sahara Desert, which stretches across much of northern Africa, has long served as a barrier between these two regions, both geographically and culturally.
The term "sub-Saharan Africa" thus refers to the parts of the continent that lie south of the Sahara and have been less influenced by external forces. But do you think the name Sub-Saharan Africa meant good? Why did they have to separate the South Africa of Nelson Mandela and the Northern Arab nation from the Sub-Saharan Africa? Did they mean it is only for the Black Africans? The term "dark continent" is a term that was historically used to refer to Eastern Africa, Central and as a whole, particularly by European explorers and colonizers who viewed the continent as a mysterious and unknown land. The term has also been used to refer specifically to Sub-Saharan Africa, often with a negative connotation that implies a lack of progress or development.
This term is highly problematic and offensive, as it reinforces outdated stereotypes about Africa and its people. Africa is a diverse and vibrant continent with a rich history and culture. While there are certainly challenges and difficulties that the region faces, labeling it as a "dark continent" is not only inaccurate, but also reinforces harmful stereotypes that do not reflect the reality of the region. It is important to reject the use of this term and instead focus on the many strengths and opportunities that exist in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In the video that has been trending recently by Dr. Nicholas Howard, a Sri Lankan economist and social scientist, presents his views on why it is believed why Western Europeans attempt to keep Sub-Saharan Africa impoverished. He argues that the main reason for this is to maintain access to the region's raw materials, and he cites foreign aid, debt and foreign loans, and other economic structures as ways in which Western powers have sought to control the region by keeping the African countries in poverty. However, it is important to note that these are Dr. Howard's personal views and do not necessarily reflect the views of all individuals or organizations in the Western world. The issues surrounding development, economic growth, and foreign influence in Sub-Saharan Africa are complex and multi-faceted, and there is no single explanation or solution.
In the recent days the Microsoft Boss, Bill gates visited Kenya. According to reports, American philanthropist Bill Gates was expected to engage both national and county government officials during his visit to Africa. The focus of Gates' visit was reportedly on climate change, food security, and health initiatives in the country. It was noted that for many regions in Africa and other parts of the world, climate change is a food and economic crisis that has no recorded pattern. Bill gate and the gate's foundation announced its collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Kenya, as well as governments across Africa, in an effort to transform the education sector. Digital transformation of education is seen as crucial to provide access to quality education, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Microsoft is working with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to address the challenge of education financing, as countries struggle to secure public funds for health systems and investments. GPE recently convened governments and the private sector at the highest level to commit to education funding of $5bn over the next five years. why question is this? why Education, Food and security?
Sadly. This is the truth that Africans are facing. If you control what a man eats, what he or she can buy you can control him. Control his education that will affect his ways of think you have him easily controlled. Many people believe that the Western world, particularly Europe and the United States, has a vested interest in keeping the African continent impoverished. The worst reality is that this is very true. Some argue that this is because Africa is a source of valuable raw materials that Western countries rely on to fuel their own economies. Others believe that Western countries have a history of colonization and exploitation of African nations that they continue to benefit from today. Dr. Nicholas Howard in his speech insists that they will do all it takes to control the African leadership by giving them support to keep the supply of raw material running. It has been reported that Bill Gates recently visited Kenya for the purpose of engaging with national and county government officials to discuss various projects he is funding in the country. However, some people have questioned the true motivations behind his visit, suggesting that he may be using Africa and its people as guinea pigs for his research on genetically modified foods. This kind of exploitation and manipulation of African resources and people is wrong and unethical. Africans should stand up and refuse to be used as lab rats in these kinds of experiments. Instead, they should demand control over their own resources and decision-making power and prioritize their own health and wellbeing.
One reason why many believe that Western countries want to keep Africa poor is because of the vast natural resources that the continent possesses. These resources include oil, gold, diamonds, and other valuable minerals. By keeping Africa impoverished, Western countries can continue to extract these resources at a low cost, without having to worry about competition from African companies.
Another reason why some believe that Western countries want to keep Africa poor is because of the significant profits that can be made from the sale of these resources. For example, the diamond industry is worth billions of dollars, and Western countries are some of the biggest players in the market. By controlling the supply of diamonds from Africa, Western countries can continue to make huge profits at the expense of African nations.
Furthermore, Western countries have a long history of colonization and exploitation of African nations. Many African countries were colonized by European powers, who extracted natural resources and forced Africans to work in mines and on plantations. This legacy of exploitation continues to have negative effects on Africa today, as many African nations are still struggling to overcome the economic and social problems that were created by colonialism.
Some argue that Western countries are still taking advantage of African nations in other ways as well. For example, many African countries are heavily reliant on foreign aid, which is often provided by Western countries. However, some believe that this aid comes with strings attached, and that Western countries use it to maintain their own political and economic interests in Africa. Overall, there is a growing belief among some people that Western countries want to keep Africa poor in order to continue to benefit from its natural resources and to maintain their own political and economic interests on the continent. While this is a complex and contentious issue, it is clear that Africa faces many challenges in its quest for economic development and prosperity.
In Africa, where poverty and malnutrition are widespread. More than a quarter of the world's hungry people live on the continent, and one in five Africans are considered malnourished. This has resulted in high rates of growth disorders, such as stunting, in children. This what Dr. Nicholas Howard said that the Western countries want to keep the African in their current poverty situation to continue getting the resources and raw material from Africa as it the only way to keep the Western rich and superpowers. It is sad that Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest infant mortality rate, with one in 11 children dying before the age of five. Pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, and malaria are among the leading causes of death in these children.
In addition to health problems, child labor is a major issue in Africa. Approximately 59 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 work instead of attending school. This deprives them of their childhood and perpetuates the cycle of poverty in their families. HIV/AIDS also affects millions of Africans, with 25 million people infected and 2.9 million of them being children. These children often become orphans and are forced to live on the streets. It is clear that extreme poverty and lack of access to resources are major issues in Africa that the western are using to control and manipulate situations for their own benefit. We are in dire need for this situation to be addressed in order to improve the lives of its people and break the cycle of poverty.
In the recent years the World Health Organization (WHO) denied that its chief, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, admitted that Covid-19 vaccines were being used by countries to kill children. There were tones of viral videos about the vaccines have been circulating on social media since they were introduced in January. In a viral video, Tedros is seen speaking at a WHO press briefing on 20 December. In the clip, he appears to say: "So if (a Covid-19 booster) is going to be used, it's better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe disease and death, rather than, as we see, some countries are using to give boosters to kill - children, which is not right." However, his stutter before the word "children" sounds like "kill children". Conspiracy theorists have claimed that he said: "The vaccines are being used to kill children."
"This tweet will most likely be censored and you probably won't find the video. BUT W.H.O. Head Director-General Dr. Tedros Admits Vaccines Being Used to Kill Children So how are the vaccines safe?" tweeted one user. Another wrote: "Oops... what did Dr. Tedros just say? Footage has emerged of Dr Tedros, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, claiming countries are intentionally giving booster shots of the Covid-19 vaccine to children to kill them. "Tedros playing Jekyll & Hyde!" Says some countries giving boosters to kill children"! They are playing psychological mind games. They are mandating vaccines and in the same breath telling the recipients that it kills!" commented another user. However, a WHO spokesperson said that the sentence was the result of a slip of the tongue. "Tedros got stuck on the first syllable [of children] 'chil' and it came out sounding like 'cil/kil'," the spokesperson said. "He then correctly pronounced the same syllable immediately after, with it coming out audibly as 'cil-children'. Any other interpretation of this is 100% incorrect."
The original transcript of the news conference reveals that Tedros said: "So, if it's going to be used [vaccines], it's better to focus on those groups who have the risk of severe disease and death, rather than, as we see, some countries are using to give boosters to children, which is not right. Then the equity issues come in here. Instead of boosting a child in high income countries, it's better to vaccinate the elderly in countries where the elders have not been vaccinated, even the primary vaccines especially Africans."
In 2010 India, there had been death of girls who were part of a human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine trial in India which raised concerns about the value attached by the state to the lives of its citizens and the nature of research in the country. A committee was established by the union government to investigate the deaths. The Supreme Court ruled that narco-analysis, brain-mapping and polygraph tests are illegal unless conducted with the explicit consent of the person being tested. The Draft Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Bill, 2010, was submitted to the Union Ministry of Health. It seeks to regulate the practice of ART, especially surrogacy, in India. The Indian Council of Medical Research published draft guidelines for stem cell research in India. The guidelines propose a regulatory framework for stem cell research. This is one of the ways that the Western are using Africans and Indians to control them by ensuring the population have lower life expectancy, Cancer issues, infertility and health problems.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a quadrillion dollar enterprise is at work among us that is intentionally using synthetic molecules to decimate, cull, and sterilize the human population for the purpose of population control. This enterprise is weaponized and working in collusion against the living men and women of the soil. However, these claims are not supported by evidence and are considered to be conspiracy theories. It is important to approach information about vaccines and medical research with skepticism and to seek out reliable sources of information from credible sources.
Dr. Robert Young, a naturopathic doctor, has claimed that a "quadrillion dollar enterprise" is at work to decimate and cull the human population using synthetic molecules. He suggests that medicine, which contains synthetic molecules, is designed to sterilize and control population growth. He also cites Bill Gates, who has previously spoken about the need to reduce global population, as evidence of this alleged conspiracy. However, these claims are not supported by evidence and have been widely dismissed as unfounded and dangerous. The use of synthetic molecules in medicine is a common and important practice in modern medicine and has been proven to effectively treat and prevent many diseases.
The notion of a conspiracy to reduce global population is a baseless and harmful theory that we all African should not accept at all. Sadly, our leaders love money, and they sacrifice the African people for the huge money they are promising to be given if only the "worship them" and give access to our land and resources. One question for me is whether synthetic molecules serve the living. The answer is no, none do. I am also suggesting that a medicine, by definition, is something that contains synthetic molecules and is registered, patented, and put into the market as a medicine. Dr. Robert O. Young agrees with this stating that African are useless to the contribution of the world economy and they can be controlled and wiped out by use of Cancer and vaccines. The multilateral agencies and health and regulatory authorities and agencies appear to have become weaponized and are working in collusion against the living men and women of the soil. This is not a bacterial war, but a systemic poisoning war, and chemical warfare is being used against all of us.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has a history of pushing for population control in Africa and investing in vaccines that target the continent. In 2018, the foundation was quoted as lamenting that the progress toward reducing poverty is threatened by the presence of too many poor people, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Bill and Melinda Gates have also been pushing for "small families" and contraception in Africa. In 2014, Kenyan Catholic doctors discovered that a nationally launched tetanus vaccine was laced with a hormone that could induce abortions in pregnant women and subject targets to infertility. The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the relationship between the World Health Organization and the Gates Foundation, leading to concerns that Africa may be used as a testing ground for a potential COVID-19 vaccine. Africans are being treated and viewed as test objects without human dignity, which has emboldened some medics from France and the UK who think a trial test should be done on the continent.
As mentioned earlier, the term "sub-Saharan Africa" originated as a way to distinguish this part of the continent from the northern and coastal regions that have been more influenced by external forces. While the term has been commonly used in geography and economic discussions, it is important to recognize the potential negative connotations associated with it and to avoid reinforcing harmful stereotypes about the region.
In recent years, there have been increasing efforts to highlight the diversity and potential of Sub-Saharan Africa. For example, the African Union, a regional intergovernmental organization that aims to promote peace and cooperation among African countries, has adopted the slogan "Silencing the Guns by 2020" as a way to promote peace and development across the continent. Additionally, the Gates Foundation has been working with governments across Africa to improve education and health initiatives as Africans and its leadership should reject and abhor the wrong few whites and reds people who want to control and misuse the African resources and taking the Africa resources as the west to control, misuse and misdirect for it evil on to the great people of Africa. Overall, while there are certainly challenges and difficulties that Sub-Saharan Africa faces, it is important to avoid the use of negative stereotypes and instead focus on the many strengths and opportunities that exist in the region. By working together and supporting each other, we can help to improve the lives of people across Sub-Saharan Africa and promote a brighter future for the entire continent.