western nsw floods
Annette Cremer
Carer At home-True believer of the ALP. IAM a unionist I will speak out I’m not scared.In a fight your gonna have to back down with me winning
11am Monday
Dubbo Regional Council are asking community to plan for extra time for travel across today.
Emile Serisier Bridge Bridge remains closed. The Bridge will be a priority for clean up once the river has subsided to a safe level however the clean up is expected to be extensive. Transport for NSW will also need to provide approval for reopening of the Bridge.
Residents should continue to plan for addition travel time and consider alternative travel times outside the busier afternoon period.
Inspections of public assets, sporting fields and walking tracks is underway however reopening of public facilities is likely to be some time away to allow for required clean up and repairs. Community will continue to be advised of any reopening times
Emile Serisier Bridge remains closed. The bridge is not expected to be open for any afternoon traffic.
Bligh Street remains closed. Plan ahead where to park.
Changed traffic conditions in Cobra Street remain in place with no ability to turn right from side streets onto Cobra Street, from Macquarie Street to Darling Street and there is no access to Macquarie Street from the LH Ford Bridge.
Boothenba can be accessed via Yarrandale, but remains closed from Yarrandale to Golden Highway.
Renshaw McGirr Way at the Bell River crossing is now open.
The Duke of Wellington Bridge remains closed for major repairs.
Goolma Road is now open with a reduced speed limit in place.
Saxa Road remains closed.
All unsealed roads in the Local Government Area remain closed with access for local residents in passenger vehicles under 3.5 ton only.
For a full list of road updates please visit www.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/flood
Catch up on the flooding situation as it unfolded over the weekend: https://ab.co/3T3jVxz