West-MEC's January Newsletter
Western Maricopa Education Center
Career and Technical Education Public School District
After a two-week-long Winter break, West-MEC is excited that classes started back up for the Spring Semester last week!
With a new semester starting, time management is extremely important for students to get off to a great start. Both our high school and adult students have very demanding schedules, so managing time effectively is crucial. With that in mind, we wanted to share a few time management tips our students can use to get off to a great start this semester. These tips are universal, though, and can be used by anybody for their job, class, or life in general!
Make time for yourself -?
This tip may seem counter-intuitive to managing your time effectively, but it is the most important tip on this list. Make sure to take some time out of your day to do something you enjoy, like walking, reading, or playing video games, even if you can only make time for 10 or 20 minutes some days. If you're constantly working or studying without giving yourself a break to relax, it is just human nature to burn out at some point. Everyone wants you to be at your best, so take some time to recharge when you can.
Use a calendar to plan ahead and have daily to-do lists -
Planning ahead can help reduce stress as a student because knowing what you have to do and when enables you to figure out how you will accomplish these tasks. Mark down important dates, like exams and when projects are due. Along with this, make daily to-do lists. It will help you to prioritize these items, from most important to least, to ensure you're getting the things you must get done that day first. Setting goals for the day helps you remember the little things you have to get done and the feeling of accomplishment when you cross off the last item on the list is second to none.
Take one thing at a time -?
Whether you have multiple projects to do, numerous tests to study for, or tons of smaller tasks to accomplish, do your best to work on one thing at a time. Not only will your work on each task be better the majority of the time, but it will also take you longer to finish all you have to do when you're constantly bouncing back and forth from things.
Hopefully, even one of these tips can help you to manage your time more effectively!
New Board Members
Before the break, West-MEC's newest governing board members were officially sworn in. Congratulations and a warm welcome to Linda Busam (District 2) and Robert Garcia (District 5.)
Virtual Field Trip
West-MEC's Southwest Campus Dental Assisting program hosted the S.O.A.R. program from Marionneaux Elementary School for a virtual field trip before the break.
During the virtual trip, dental students prepared presentations to give the elementary students tips about oral hygiene and teach them about what a dentist does and what they do at their program.
The S.O.A.R. program supports students with severe behavioral needs. This virtual field trip allowed the students in S.O.A.R. to interact with older peers, practice their social skills, and introduce them to possible career paths and interests in the future.?
The dental students prepared presentations for the kids attending the virtual field trip. They gave tips on brushing teeth, flossing, and other oral hygiene tips, along with what it is like to attend dental school and be a dental assistant.
It was an awesome chance to allow the Marrioneaux Elementary students to go on a field trip and meet some of our superb West-MEC students!
Why I Hire West-MEC
There’s nothing more impactful to a show a prospective or current West-MEC student than actual industry leaders speaking on why they love to hire and work with West-MEC program completers. Adelante Healthcare is one of many great examples of businesses that hire West-MEC program completers consistently and are often their first choice.?Check out the video below and others from our "Why I Hire" video series.