West-MEC's April Newsletter
Western Maricopa Education Center
Career and Technical Education Public School District
Diesel Donation
Last week, the Diesel program at our Northeast Campus received an equipment donation from Inland Kenworth valued at over $65k, which included a 3,500 lb. diesel engine. Thanks to this generous gift, students will learn valuable industry skills in the lab.
West-MEC on the News
West-MEC's Precision Machining and Powersports Technology programs were interviewed on Your Life Arizona this month. YLAZ featured the programs and spoke about what they do, the effectiveness of West-MEC, and how West-MEC is a faster way forward for students - an opportunity for students to learn skills in a hands-on environment that can take them down a lucrative and fulfilling career path. The Powersports segment aired today, April 30, and the Precision Machining program will air on May 7.
National Technical Honor Society
Our four campuses held their National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) induction ceremonies this month. NTHS is among the highest honors a student can achieve in career and technical education. The students qualified for this honor by having a high GPA in high school and their CTE program, demonstrating outstanding professionalism, and having strong community involvement, volunteerism, and leadership qualities.
Follow Your Arrow
This month, our campuses hosted their Follow Your Arrow events, welcoming incoming students and their families to West-MEC and preparing them to start the next school year with success. Families heard from current students, who did a fantastic job sharing their experiences and advice on being a stellar West-MEC student. Incoming and current students gathered in their classrooms and lab spaces for team-building exercises while families heard from counselors and administration about important campus information.
Want to learn more about West-MEC? Visit our website. Want to keep up with the latest West-MEC news and current events? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter, West-MEC: Power Your Arrow, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.