West Lothian Council Schools’ Big Business Breakfast
As well as celebrating the Year of Young People, this event will celebrate, and showcase, school-employer engagement activities in the area through launching the publication ‘Work Placements and Work Inspiration Activity in Secondary Schools’. Employer support in the area will be recognised formally, via certificates and trophies.
If you'd like to hear how you could support our schools meet the recommendations of Developing The Young Workforce please do get in touch and/or reserve a place at the breakfast- we'd love to hear from you!
As well as giving you that 'feel good factor' through supporting schools to prepare young people for the world of work, there are many advantages to your business including:
- Enhancing your company's image and reputation in the local community.
- Contributing towards your company's Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
- Making your company more attractive to potential recruits.
- Motivating and developing your staff.
- Benefitting from new perspectives that young people could bring to your business.
- Creating a source of media stories for your company to increase its profile - locally and in the trade press.