the west had missed the train. By providing political asylum to Neo Jihadists.
Shahtoo Abdelbagi
Human Raights Lawyer & Artiest at Kourdofan Allince for devolpment Sudan
One can argue, that the west had missed the train. By providing political asylum, where many Middle Eastern States would have directly put them in prison till they denounce their radical ideas of Jihad, the west was provided them an asylum status on their own soil, its a breeding ground for terrorism and a save haven for Neo Jihadists thought. In Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Egypt the actions and hospitality of the west was met with disdain; one is reminded of the serious words the Former Egyptian president Mubarak retorted in anger concerning the behavior of the western governments, in the book “Al Qaeda in Europe.” by Lorenzo:
“Political asylum should not be given or granted to killers; it’s for those who face political injustices, what human rights? Human rights should be for the week and innocent who may be killed together with his family .But not a criminal a killer? What human rights? This means the west encourages them to kill in their mother land and be rewarded a new life in the west by granting them asylum.
In this matter, one agrees with the former Egyptian president Mubarak. Yes, many of the Islamist were granted asylum in Europe and America and sometimes they were integrated into the west faster than their victims. In the cases of Southern Sudan and Darfur, many who have encountered and been victims of massacres coordinated with the help of or by the Islamist government of the Sudan, were disadvantaged as supposed to the Jihadists who were railed into the immigration process more rapidly. Many organization has revealed many cases in Switzerland and in the Netherlands[2]; many of the Jihadist who emigrated still write radical Jihadist arguments in many a websites[3], being in the west is a matter of amassing more money and recruits to continue their agendas in the west. At times they threaten their former victims and their families who have remained in their home lands.
There are some groups who have migrated to western countries after being denied a normal life in their home lands. By their new presence in western countries they are extending their Jihadist danger to rest of the world. Dr. Goner correctly states that there exists no land or state that is free of Jihadism. Many of the Islamists have been interviewed by Al-Jazzera TV, where they showed their anger and desire to attack western targets. Abu-Hamzza Almasry (Ansar Al-Sharea Association in UK)[4] is a good example, and strong evidence of the new international phenomena, which comprises that Jihadist who live in the west and plan to fight western countries and institutions from within; in one of the interviews he spoke about air mines that could be deployed to attack western air liners[5] .
As we all know, that the groups that stayed with Bin Laden are now forming the core of Al-Qaeda. Most are Afghan veterans and whereas the Islamic radicals came from different lands. Their goal as indicated is a danger to global interactions, because they want to spread their on version of Islam around the entire world through their own tactics and means. There is no way to negotiate with them as there is no political goal to be reached. Some may argue that their aggression is grounded on the occupation of Palestine and if we solve this problem the danger will dissipate along with it. This, however, is not true, the Neo Jihadists are following an order form their god and they will not rest until they spread the “Dawa” (spreading the faith) to all of us. They will not cease to operate until they have established the Caliphate state where they will impose the Sharia law; the Islamic radical law in their own version. On this point all radical Muslims are united whether they are Shea or Sunni. Like Al Qaeda, every Islamic sect is competing to establish the Caliphate dictated by their own interpretation of Islam, the Quran and the Hadith.
Is it a war between Islam and the world or its only small group? It’s a war between a distinctive culture within the Islamic world and the rest of the world. This exclusive group is opposed to everyone including the moderate Muslims. For the Slafi Jihadist one is either with or against them. The opposition is infidel be they even Muslims. So this war is not only a war between religions it’s also war within the Islamic religion. The Muslim community must deal with this matter with the help of the international community. The research wants to emphasize that we should not place all the Muslims in one basket. There are different Muslims, like Hezbollah and Hamas who both have national political agenda but unlike Al Qaeda and the mujahedeen rarely cross borders to carry out their military activities. Those national groups have political agendas that can easily be resolved. The Neo-Jihadists on the other hand have the goal of establishing a new world order, and will not refrain from their efforts to a secular world order. Many Islamists see it as a fantasy goal, but the Jihadists see it an order from Allah that cannot be compromised[6].
[1]Ibid, page 48.
[2] Ibid, page 84, 136.
[3] ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ?????. ???? ???? ??????. 7-05-2011, 05:39 ?
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