The Werther Effect

The Werther Effect

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote a novel called The Sorrows of Young Werther. No one, not even he himself, would not have thought that as soon as people read it, young men will start to mimic the protagonist, Werther, who shoots himself after being rejected by the woman he loves. Who knew that around 40 young people back then would do the same when surrounded by feelings of hopelessness.

Since then, there have been similar cases of copying of suicides seen time and again: whether it was when Marilyn Moore died of suicide or when Kurt Cobain did or when the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why went on air and teenagers tried to ‘copy’ Hannah’s suicide attempt.

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To investigate and understand the trends of such copycat suicides, sociologist David Phillips and his colleagues in 1974 defined cases of imitative suicides, which was called the Werther effect, named after Goethe’s character. The effect is also called "copycat suicide," which refers to the phenomenon when there is an increase in suicide attempts due to a publicised suicide.

In the study conducted by David, he found out that every time The New York Times published a story about the suicide of a famous figure, the rate of suicide increased by almost 12%. The study showed that reporting the suicide of a celebrity affects those who have already thought of taking such an action, as their way of thinking is ‘validated’ by such events. This is called a "suicide contagion," which spreads through various channels like the school system, community clusters, and so on.

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Reading about the effect raises a variety of questions, like whether it is a myth or how reporting such events triggers others to take similar steps. Studies conducted have shown time and again that representation of suicide incidents in the media directly affects those who are already at risk of doing so. Describing how it was done and sensationalized depiction in media gives validation to those who are highly at a risk of taking such a drastic step because, for them, it becomes the kind of end they have been longing for.

Robbert Cialdini gave the social proof model, which explains that when individuals are not able to know how to behave or react in certain situations, they imitate the behaviour of those who are similar to them. The risks of suicide death increase if the individuals find similarities between themselves and the deceased.

An artistic representation of Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther"?

As the effect comes into play due to insensitive journalism, journalists need to be sensitive while addressing the issue and talking about it. For individuals who are in crisis, the representation of suicide can have both positive and negative effects on their mental health. WHO suggests some do’s and don’ts of journalism to prevent copycat suicides in the future, which are:


  1. Providing information about where to seek help.
  2. Educating the public about myths and suicide prevention is key.
  3. Interviewing the bereaved family or friends with caution.
  4. Acknowledging the media professionals may themselves be affected by such an incident.


  1. Refraining from unduly reporting such stories.
  2. Preventing the use of language that sensationalises or normalises suicide.
  3. Not describing explicitly the method used and the site or location.
  4. Refraining from using photographs or video footage or social media links.

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As the media in itself plays a major role in influencing minds, one effect called the Papageno effect also goes hand in hand with the Werther effect. The effect explains how the media can prevent a decrease in the suicide rate through sensitive journalism. The effect is named after a character from “The Magic Flute”, an opera by Mozart, where his attempt at suicide is prevented by three boys reminding him of alternatives to dying.

It is important and necessary to understand that suicide is a delicate issue. It is necessary to talk about it, to create awareness about it, but in a way that is not going to trigger such responses from others. Yes, the media has to report the events occurring around us, but they too need to understand their role and responsibilities while reporting anything and everything. The discussions are needed to break the taboos but in a way that is not harmful to those addressing them or to those grasping them.

If you know someone or yourself is dealing with some crisis and having suicidal or negative thoughts, then contact a mental health professional as soon as possible. Some of the helpline numbers are:

  1. AASRA: 09820466726
  2. Fortis Stress Helpline: +91-8376804102
  3. PSSMHS: 080 – 4611 0007
  4. Mitram Foundation: 080-2572-2573
  5. Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline: 080-23655557



