Wernhil makes wishes of two schools a reality
Broll Namibia
Broll Namibia is one of the leading property services companies offering a wide range of property services.
On 29 April 2022, Broll Namibia, a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, handed over donations to Dr. Abraham Iyambo Primary School and Monte Christo Project Primary School at Windhoek’s Teachers Resource Centre, as part of their Wernhil Christmas Wish List competition. The annual initiative, in its sixth edition, has become an institution for the Wernhil Shopping Centre and consists of two giving activities: the first to the selected children between the ages of six and twelve and families who submit their Christmas wishes; and the second to the shopping centre’s two partner schools.
The winning child of the 2021 Wish List competition, Gabriel Markus, wished for a digital tablet for his autistic brother, Dadiva Markus, for Dadiva to be able to communicate digitally with his family due to his speech impediment. ?Wernhil has gifted the wish and its tenant, Supatronix, sponsored a second tablet for Gabriel too, along with two tablet covers and two smartwatches for children. The Markus children also received stationery, a soccer ball, a children’s guitar and piano to foster Dadiva’s musical passions.
In completion of the 2021 giving activities, the donations received by the partner schools – each valued at N$6 000 – were two classroom cupboards for Dr. Abraham Iyambo Primary School and a projector including stand for Monte Christo Project Primary School.
Representing Dr. Abraham Iyambo Primary School at the donation handover was its Head of Department: Mathematics and Science, Ms. Alexia Ileka, and from Monte Christo Project Primary School was its Principal, Ms. Elizabeth Murangi.
Speaking on behalf of Broll Namibia was Sylvia Rusch, Head: Marketing and Public Relations (PR), who expressed her pleasure in seeing another round of wishes being realised: “In these challenging times, it is so important to hold hands and give back to our communities as it is our community, who continually supports our Wernhil Shopping Centre. This initiative is a true example of our O&L Group Purpose, ‘Creating a future, enhancing life’ and is only possible thanks to Wernhil’s valuable tenants, shoppers and the centre management team, to whom I want to say a humble thank you!”
Also recognising the impact of the initiative was Wernhil Shopping Centre General Manager, Johan van der Westhuizen: “This initiative is one of our opportunities to give back to our communities and goes from strength to strength every year. With our Wernhil tenants becoming more involved, we hope to keep giving and teaming up as long as we can to make the greatest impact.”
Speaking on behalf of the Khomas Regional Director of Education, Arts and Culture, Paulus Nghikembua, was Paulus Lewin, Deputy Director of Education, Arts and Culture, who shared the gratitude and appreciation of the Khomas Regional Directorate for these donations. Lewin: “The longstanding partnership and annual sponsorships through the Wernhil Shopping Centre Wish List Competition contributed significantly to the efforts made thus far by the two schools to ensure continued teaching and learning, amidst hardships and challenges experienced over the past years.
“Be assured that the generous donations of today will bring some relief to both the learners and their schools in that they will bring some much needed technologies to the Monte Christo Primary School and safe spaces to protect valuable items for the Dr. Abraham Iyambo Primary School.”
Lewin added: “The Directorate is looking forward to continued partnership that will bring forth the necessary development to our country through the investment in the education of our children.”