We’re Seeing 5 Common Problems Across Nonprofit Websites: Let’s Look at the Analytics

We’re Seeing 5 Common Problems Across Nonprofit Websites: Let’s Look at the Analytics

Constructive Thinking


We’re Seeing 5 Common Problems Across Nonprofit Websites: Let’s Look at the Analytics

By?Kaylee Gardner

As a Digital Strategist, every day I look at nonprofit website data on GA4 and Google Search Console, and every day, I observe similar problems across nonprofit websites.

The nonprofits I?work with ?are diverse, varying in size, scope, and issue area. Still, they share some interesting website trends. For the most part, the recurring themes I see the most represent similar?problems?in reporting and engaging. Problems that I want to share with you so you can assess whether or not these website trends are affecting your organization, too.?

No matter how much we optimize, strategize, and maintain our websites, nonprofit analytics will always present opportunities to improve. I focus on these opportunities every time I’m reviewing the analytics on a website for the first time. I have to confess: It’s a bit exciting when I see the same trends occur in different nonprofit website data sets. What can I say, I like patterns! But I also get excited because I’ve encountered these issues enough times to know exactly how to diagnose them and resolve them.?

As a Digital Strategist, these are the top five most common website problems I see across nonprofit websites:

  1. High amounts of direct traffic
  2. Many new users, but low user retention
  3. Poor mobile website performance
  4. High page load speeds
  5. High bounce rates

Let’s explore those metrics and what they what might mean for your organization.

Digital Inquiry Group Launches New Brand & Website

Constructive is proud to announce that our partners at the Digital Inquiry Group , “DIG,” have launched their new brand and website.?

Founded at Stanford by Professor Sam Wineburg in 2002, DIG has equipped teachers and students with research-based history education curricula and digital literacy tools. In 2022, DIG sought to expand its impact as a nonprofit independent from its Stanford home. Transitioning from their original name Stanford History Education Group to DIG, the organization partnered with Constructive to reimagine their mission, vision, brand, and website for their next chapter.??

Learn more about DIG's rebrand in our case study .?

Constructive Wins Silver Anthem Award for Teaching Matters?

The team at Constructive is proud to announce that we’ve won a Silver Anthem Award for our work with the education nonprofit?Teaching Matters . Teaching Matters won in the Education, Art & Culture category.?

Teaching Matters has a vision of seeing excellent education for every student. They advance that mission through their educator coaching programs and resources, having supported 1,600 schools, trained 38,000 educators, and impacted 670,000 students since 1994.?

In 2022,?Teaching Matters?partnered with?Constructive?to design a new brand and website that elevates the organization’s dynamism and joy in hopes of expanding their impact in closing the opportunity gap across classrooms.? Learn more about Teaching Matters , the award , and our partnership .?

In Case You Missed It

  • New Work :?Our partners at The Climate Trust launched their new brand and website.?
  • Ethical Visual Storytelling?Resources :?Our latest Curated features tools you can use?use to tell values-based stories with your brand and design.?
  • New Recognition : Constructive was recently recognized as a Top Impact Company by Real Leaders for 2024.?

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