We're Really Changing ...
Look at these two car stories and imagine if this was our life ... every single day. Everyone looking out for everyone. That's what the new era is all about ...
From the Swords of Iron WhatsApp that's taking care of the soldiers 24/7 ??
"A message I received from a reservist from the 55th Brigade (paratroopers):
My name is Abia Fanta, 25 years old, from Or Yehuda, I serve in the paratrooper patrol in the reserves. I showed up on Black Saturday to contribute my part for the country and for the past 3 months I have been serving in the reserves both in the north and in the south and will continue if necessary.
On January 14, I went to refresh myself after nearly 3 weeks in Gaza and arrived at the Bilo camp where I parked my car to report for duty. When I came back out I found out that my car had been destroyed. Someone had crashed into it and left no details, and this is not covered by comprehensive insurance.
The value of the car is NIS 30,000 ($8000 US)
We checked and two garages told us that the car was a total loss.
We are looking for any way to help him - this can be through connecting u to companies leasing/selling, through a link to any grant funds, non-profits, etc."
Can anyone help him? Because tomorrow he's going back into Gaza ....
(I still haven't seen an update about this but I'm sure we'll get one soon ....)
Not A Normal Car Accident ....
A story of the people of Israel ...
Tzvika Greenlick hit some vehicle. He exchanged details with the owner and said to her: "It's no problem, it was my fault, I was in the wrong and we'll arrange what you need."
They arranged to meet at the garage on Wednesday.
On Wednesday she arrives at the garage, and Zvika Greenlick doesn't show up.
She tries to call him and he doesn't answer the calls. He's disappeared as if the earth had swallowed him.
Thursday the woman sends him a message: "I'm really disappointed, your behavior is not nice, we arranged to meet on Wednesday and you didn't show up ... "
He sees the message and immediately replies: "I am very sorry, on Tuesday my son Shaul fell in Gaza, so I couldn't come."
The woman immediately apologized. She herself was at the funeral, but didn't make the connection that he was Shaul's father.
On the same day, she arrived at the funeral home and comforted the family.
During the shiva, Zvika said to her: "When the shiva is over, I will transfer the amount of the repair to you."
She told him: "Everything is fine, I don't want the money."
At the first opportunity he had, he transferred NIS 2,000 to her in a heartbeat.
She sent him a message that made him cry he was so emotional: "There is no need. Because the owner of the garage who heard that the person who hit the car was the father of a soldier who fell in Gaza, he didn't want to take the money."