We're perfect
Graham Hardy
Providing customer-led support to any business that cares about its customers
It’s fantastic that companies are recognising the importance and contribution that customer care teams make to a business, especially those who look after complaint handling too.
I was fortunate enough to lead the large team at Boots and was proud of what our people did. We strove to recruit the right people, gave them the tools to do the job and rewarded, supported and celebrated with them.
But there’s a growing trend amongst firms to ‘big up’ their customer care teams before you’ve even had a chance to interact with them. Just phone, “our amazing customer service team”, “our brilliant customer care team”, “our outstanding customer service”. This may well all be true and I hope it is but please, let your customers be the judge of just how good they are. Set your team up to succeed, then measure, then start the rewarding and celebrating!
I consult selectively, sharing my knowledge and experience, only when approached, with companies who I believe genuinely care about engaging with their customers.
Graham Hardy Consulting
Mobile: +44 (0) 785 012 3315
Email: grahamreallyis@gmail.com
Website: https://grahamhardyconsulting.co.uk
Linkedin: https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/graham-hardy/4/262/756