We're making some shifts!

We're making some shifts!

Can we just collectively gasp at the fact that we're already halfway through October? I could've sworn I was discussing "word of the year" for 2024 with my team just a couple of weeks ago.?

The year has truly gone by in the blink of an eye, and now that we're running the final lap, it's time to slow down, reflect, and strategize.?

While most people set their intentions for the year in January, I think it's so much more productive and mindful when you do it a couple of months in advance.?

Not only does this ensure you're entering the new year prepared, but it's also a great way to truly disconnect from the planning during the Holidays.

And on that note, I'd like to share some lessons that I've learned this year as well as some shifts I'll be making in my business moving forward.?

I hope that these lessons and shifts inspire you to become more intentional about your own business and make 2025 about focusing on what really matters!?

Lesson 01: Simplify things as much as you can!

Every time I scroll through social media, it seems as though there's a new app that every business owner "MUST HAVE" to build a successful brand. I'm not proud to admit that sometimes I buy into the FOMO and sign myself up for whatever's latest.?

However, I've realized that my team and I really don't need to have all of these new fancy apps in order to level up. What we need is simple and sustainable systems to keep us all aligned. So moving forward, it's #NoMoreFOMO for us, we're sticking with our trusted Trello boards.

Lesson 02: Learn to let go!

Sometimes, projects don't pan out the way you want them to, and as tough a pill it is to swallow, it's just pure truth. I'd like to take a moment of complete vulnerability and share that despite working on growing my YouTube channel for years and spending a huge sum of money in producing and posting high-quality videos with all the SEO techniques under the sun, I still didn't generate the viewership I had hoped for.

This has led me to take a break from YouTube and instead focus my energy on other areas in my business that could benefit from the time and money I was investing in YouTube all along. Don't worry though, my huge existing library of FREE BUSINESS LAW CONTENT will still be available for you to access at your convenience.?

Lesson 03: Be intentional about your collaborations!

Last month when I was talking to my team about potential PR opportunities, I realized that not all partnerships will come bearing your best interest at heart. I was recently associated with a business event wherein I went above and beyond to help the event get traction, however, the organizers didn't hold their end of the bargain.?

While it may not be that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, it still makes one think about their collaborations. This is why, moving forward, I'll be even more intentional about the brands that I'm choosing to work with in order to ensure that the deals are mutually beneficial.

Lesson 04: Stop playing it small!

I've been working on a wonderful project for the last two years, and I had been somewhat passive about its expansion, but now it's time I stop playing it small. I'll be rolling out my program Jr. Pitch Deck, designed for middle-school students in public, private, and home schools across the country.?

The legwork is done, the foundation is strong, the results have been generated, and now it's time to take action. My tangible goals will include being in rooms where the right people can help me get this program into the right places, I'll be showing up for my business, and let this be your reminder to show up for yours.

P.S.: If you'd like to learn more about this program (described as a "Mini-MBA" by one of our attendees' parent), you can write back to learn more.

Lesson 05: Be willing to experiment!?

Last but not least, I have learned the value of experimenting (even if it's to fail) over staying stagnant. In a world that's changing so rapidly, the only way to keep up is to evolve with it.?

So, moving forward, my team and I will be open to new concepts of showing up, educating, and serving our audience. We're done with sticking to the basics, our goal is to be dynamic.?

And that's what's up with us at Team GBP Law!?

If you've read so far, you clearly resonate with the content of this email. I would LOVE to hear back from you about some shifts you're making in preparation for 2025, so hit "COMMENT" and let me know what the new year has in store for you!

Legally Yours,

Girija B. Patel


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