We're Changing
US Marines landing in Israel

We're Changing

The transition from our focus on doing for ourselves, to thinking of others is simple: we'll need to convince ourselves to shift from self-love to love of others. That's where we really reach the the good stuff, and this is true not only for the people of Israel, but for the entire world.

Once we all agree on this, to "trick" our egos into doing for others instead of ourselves - everything will be a lot better in the world.

We can all see how the real strength of the current war so far is the spirit of unity and mutual help. There is simply no other explanation for us being able to deal with the horrors, except that same spirit of unity that's holding us together. And the desire to help each other get through this rough patch. It all comes down to opening our hearts and giving to others. Not only material things but our good thoughts and intentions for others are just as important. We have to start convincing ourselves that doing this is the most correct and best thing to do even after the war. We're going to have to really want this vibe of unity to continue. As I've said many times - it's not going to come naturally. We're going to have to convince our ego that it's worth it.

In the meantime we need to use this moment of sorrow and pain, for each of us to continue praying for the other, so that everyone is praying for everyone. This is how we can maintain that same inner embrace we currently have toward our people. This will be the strength that will help us keep moving forward. I don't know about you, but from where I'm standing it seems to be way better than the forces of division and hatred that we had before.

This Feels Different

It's not easy to explain what we're experiencing right now. We still can't wrap our heads around the fact that our mind, our heart, and everything we have inside, is going through a significant change. The big change comes from the fact that we're not bending to our power toward each other, but only toward the power in the relationships we have built. In other words, we're not bending to each other's egos, but rather to the connection we've built between us. Our ego doesn't really allow us to bend at all, and we're gradually starting to understand that this is no longer sustainable now that we're all so connected. So the workaround is to focus on investing in our connection. Once we all agree on this, to "trick" our egos into doing for others instead of ourselves - everything will be a lot better in the world.


