And We're Back... Thank Goodness!!
What a whirlwind of a week it has been! Along with everyone else in Adelaide, we all packed up our desks last Wednesday ready to work from home for what we thought was going to be six days. After our last working from home stint, I was positive that we wouldn’t have to resort to that again… and maybe the God’s heard me – because as of yesterday, after just two WFH days, we are back on deck in the office! Hallelujah!
I think as we transition into the new year and start to plan around how our workplaces might look in 2021 – whether you are thinking of continuing the working from home structure for employees, getting everyone back into the office full time, or going half-half – we need to think about the development of ourselves / our staff.
I am a big believer that being present in the office, where possible, is key for organic growth of those employees who are looking to upskill and gain experience in order for them to progress in their role. I think about my team and how much they have grown over the past couple of years, just from being immersed in the office environment and learning on the job. Hearing each other talk on the phone and picking up tips and habits from one another has absolutely enhanced their growth.
Despite some people FEELING more effective and productive at home, it is said that employees do have concerns around this recognition and career progression whilst not being present in the office. And even away from the career progression side of things, studies show that remote working has left many of us yearning for that “office banter”! I know when we went to working from home back in April, I so missed my team and the daily office jokes and laughs we had every day. It is a certain energy that employees thrive off and having this taken away can absolutely hinder productivity and potentially progression in your role. Some people working from home aren’t as engaged or enjoying it as much because they are emersed in certain tasks and missing the cohesion and banter of the office environment.
So, whether you are reading this from home or the office… we have four weeks left of 2020 – get involved, stay connected, keep growing, remain focused and let’s do this! ??