We’re back!

We’re back!

Did you miss us?

Yup here we are again to talk all things fluffy, I mean marketing ??

It's crazy how quickly Christmas creeps on us. On the one hand I'm not complaining as I flipping love Christmas!!! On the other hand, it's tricky as everyone switches off earlier and earlier.

I've already had emails saying 'Let's regroup in January'...

I'm not going to be all Grinchy here, however...

Before we grab the tinsel, defrost Micky Bubbles and Mariah Carey, put on our Christmas sweaters and crack open the mince pies, let's talk plans for 2025!

Did you know...

We can build you a cracking website, say 16-20 pages in 6 weeks... as long as you approve everything we send you quickly and efficiently.

The thing is, everything gets in the way and you end up getting caught up in the day to day of running your businesses and so in reality a 6 week website project will take more like 12 weeks (if you're lucky and the wind is blowing in the right direction and we have ample supply of coffee).

So if you have a bigger website, say 20-40 pages, we can do this in 12 weeks... as long as you approve everything we send you quickly and efficiently.

BUT, in reality, everything gets in the way etc etc so it ends up being nearer 20 weeks.

And if you want a mahoosive website, well at this rate we're looking at next Christmas ??????

Soooo, what are we saying here...?

Basics, have a think about what you are looking to achieve next year (you probably have a pretty good idea already) then send us a quick email to say 'can we have a chat?' It probably won't be a fireside one, unless you really want a fireside one, we are very accommodating at KW.

Now that we have cracked open talk of Christmas...

Pass me the mince pies...

See you in Jan!


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