?? We're back — Enjoy our new Digitale Leute podcast episode!
Digitale Leute
Magazin für Produktentwicklung, UX und Softwareentwicklung | Save the date: 12 + 13 Nov, 2025 — Digitale Leute Summit
Dear Digitale Leute enthusiasts,
we got another top-notch speaker on board:?Peter Minev. Peter is?CTO at CLARK?and held roles at SAP and VMware. In his talk Efficient Product-Engineering collaboration in hyper growth companies, we will get deep insights on how to create high-performing technology companies.
In September, the first batch of the DL School Product Owner Bootcamp starts and we have already invited one of the coaches —?Nikkel Blaase —?to talk to us in our DL Podcast. In this episode, Nikkel and podcast host Christoph Bresler give a deep insight into Nikkel's career, his role and day-to-day work as Product Lead at Orbit Ventures, as well as great insights and examples on Lean Product Management. Enjoy!
Your Digitale Leute Team
Imagine a company in a hyper-growth stage, facing the challenge of establishing itself and continuously developing a collaboration model between product and engineering.
.. yes, this usually leads to a major blocker for the efficiency and productivity of the entire company itself. So how can this problem be solved?
In his talk on Nov 16th, Peter?will give in-depth answers on how technology and business leaders can achieve their goal of creating high-performing technology companies.
Are you as excited about the talk as we are? Yes, show me all the details!
In dieser Folge mit?Nikkel Blaase, Product Lead und Discovery Coach bei Orbit Ventures, erfahrt ihr alles über seinen pers?nlichen Werdegang, die Grundlagen des Lean Product Managements und seine Rolle als Trainer des Digitale Leute Product Owner Bootcamps.
H?rt die komplette Episode in unserem Magazin, oder auf SoundCloud, Spotify, Deezer und Apple und Google Podcast. Podcast an, Kopf aus!