We're Not Always Well As Entrepreneurs
When we are entrepreneurs we are looked to by others in our businesses as the leader, example-setter, the go-to-person, decision maker and so many other hats.
We know this can be very taxing on anyone carrying such responsibility. Many of us carry this kind of responsibility starting very young and then for many years thereafter.
Being able to deal with all the quirks in a business is many times very overwhelming at best. When we have to deal with changing issues, circumstances and the like on a daily basis for many years it is very probable that eventually one can experience a serious downturn in health both physically and mentally.
Many entrepreneurs give their all to the business and forgo time for themselves or continually take up the slack in the business operations due to a lack of help or other issues involved, to the point of continual physical and mental exhaustion. This can go on for so long that eventually it catches up to them.
It can be too late to realize where we are as entrepreneurs, especially if our fight for survival in our business has been a difficult road for too long. It will and does take its toll on us sooner or later and we either recognize the symptoms or we blaze on until we literally fall due to the stresses built up through time.
When we fall in such a manner, the likelihood of hospitalization and a long recovery are very real. It can take months to get to the bottom of the pain one experiences and years to deal with the aftereffects of such pain. Thus we are not always well as entrepreneurs.
Many entrepreneurs find it very hard to take needed breaks for long enough and free of their business to reduce the inevitable crash in wellness. Therefore it is very important to take a step back and look into your life and business to see where you are in line with your physical and mental health. Others will already be seeing whether or not their boss is on top of the game or not as the effects of deteriorating health give off signs others outside of ourselves will see better than we can.
If our business is structured very well, maybe this won't be an issue, however it takes a lot to have a well run business. Now with the online business model becoming the arena of business for so many of the entrepreneurial, we will see a lot more burnout.
It is not the easiest place to build a profitable business and the struggle to succeed will be very hard for most entrepreneurs. Even many of the successful admit to the absolute burnout that comes from the grueling online arena.
With all the changes in software, algorithms, coaches and GURU's online, it doesn't take long before one gets lost. With the cost associated with building an online business, many entrepreneurs will stretch themselves to physical and mental illness just trying to make their investments pay off. It's driven from the fact that the money spent will be for nothing if things don't work out for income.
The loss of accumulated funds or large investments will drive one to a state of physical and mental illness easier than one may think. Many who feel they have the power to keep on will find that there will be a breaking point and will have to deal with a time of not being well. The state of mind and physical well being will be challenged in any arena of business and we as entrepreneurs will find that being in flow is not so easy, thus we will not always be well.
While we blaze on in business our fears, aspirations, goals, successes, failures etc. will create ups and downs. It is the ups we like, however the all true fact is that success usually comes with more downs than ups, therefore, after a lot of time and effort has been put forth on a venture, it is going to be highly likely that a crash in spirit will take place.
Once we find we are not always well, dealing with it becomes the new challenge. Many times there is so much despair that the physical and mental strength required to keep moving forward is gone. The desire to even get out of bed is even challenged, many times to the point of depression so deep that wanting to carry on any further is no longer desirable.
Once we are so unwell, it is hard to find ways to come back. Of course we all have family and friends to an extent as support, however these may not be enough and our illness may require professional help. The fact that we are not always well is only human. Many who act on being an entrepreneur may at first feel that such a thing could not happen to them. It is clear though from all the online stories entrepreneurs put out there that the odds are, a similar story will be ours in time.
Many successful entrepreneurs have businesses that can and have bottomed out overnight due to changes made in algorithm changes of use rules. When this happens many become so sick that the road back is very hard. This can and will happen to most entrepreneurs as it is not easy to know all that is or will be needed to keep being successful.
In business either Brick and Mortar or Online, tools always change or their are always new offers being made for existing products or introduction of newer that becomes the challenge. It is very hard to resist the urge to improve especially if we see the opportunity for things to be easier with the new offers. This is the shiny object syndrome we are now experiencing and is the biggest reason behind over expenditure.
Once we realize our business is not doing better and may be doing worse as a result of acting on this urge to make things different and/or easier, we lose our will. This can happen over and over without us realizing what we are doing to ourselves. We drive ourselves out of focus and into the state of being unwell as an entrepreneur.
True, we may have had warning about not buying into the shiny object temptation, but the pull is so hard to get the latest greatest that solves our problems, so we go for it. Continuing on such a path will bring us to the point of not always being well as entrepreneurs faster due to our loss in finances, time and energy as a result.
Everything that takes us out of focus into a new focus, related or not is going to require time and energy that may well be put to use towards that which we already are dealing with. The solutions that other offers present may well be within reach of our present tools and opportunities. It may be that we don't see the solutions, so we give up and look elsewhere. In so doing... as the saying goes" we shoot ourselves in the foot" so to speak.
It can be very hard to pull back once we get too many horses going. With the power of our decisions being so diverse, then we become scattered in our thoughts and actions as a result. With so many paths to look at, now we have made it very hard to decide, so we try to pull back, only to find we cannot pull hard enough to slow down enough to steer without upsetting the wagon.
Every action has a reaction. Funds spent on different things to drive our business may not be well spent in the end and could have been used better from the place we were before the money was gone. Now we don't have the funds to make our previous way work either. Thus, once this happens enough or causes enough anguish, we find ourselves not coping very well and end up not always being well as an entrepreneur.
As you can see, the path of an entrepreneur is not an easy one. It is not uncommon to see many fail in business as entrepreneurs. Therefore it is not uncommon to see the effects being that of, as the title says,"We're Not All Well As Entrepreneurs".
It is stated that most entrepreneurs who start a business will fail in the first two years and if not that in the first five years. Once past that it is not uncommon to see business failures happen in the next few years to be still at an alarming rate of failure. Even those past ten years or more, even twenty, thirty, forty years or more may in the end suffer closure.
We can only assume that many of the entrepreneurs will have fallen into the category of not being well always during their time in operation, due to the enormity of the task to keep a viable business up and running.
This all being said is not meant to discourage entrepreneurship. This is to bring a more real sense to how hard being an entrepreneur is. At the same time also reveals the reality that we're not all well as entrepreneurs is not something to be afraid of as it is a hurdle of most at some point in the entrepreneurial run of things. It can be expected to become unwell therefore it is not something to be looked down on by others or to to become the reality that we are not as successful as others.
The fact that we're not all well as entrepreneurs means that it is something we can live with and through as many have and will do. Once such a challenge falls upon us then we will begin to have a greater story to tell that others will identify more readily with.
Ron Preston