We're All in This Together
We hope you're enjoying your weekend so far. Today we bring you the fifth, and final thing I've learned since moving to Croatia.
Tune in next week to see what's next!
Now, this is a story that absolutely floored me. So, being from the Midwest, the winter in Delnice is like nothing that I’ve ever experienced in my whole life. I mean, as I type this, there is a blizzard outside piling on top of existing snow piles from other blizzards that are already reaching 7-12 feet tall! The most I’ve ever seen is like 3 feet, mayyyyybe. Anyway, so around the end of November, we were already beginning to get a bit of snow. An elderly lady had just moved here, and she told somebody she had just met at church that she didn’t know how bad the winters could get here. She hadn’t known how much firewood she was going to need, she had none! Upon hearing this, the woman from the church told a friend, who told a friend, who told a friend, and within hours had gotten in contact with someone from the sawmill. Sa?a used to work at the sawmill, so he got a call to come help…
When we showed up behind the woman’s apartment building, there was a huge truck piled high with logs. There were two men unloading the timber from the truck, two men stacking the timber for cutting, and two men chainsawing the timber. 3 of us ladies were collecting the cut timber and throwing it into the basement, where there were 3 more young ladies putting cut timber into nice stacks in the woman’s basement. While I was collecting the wood and throwing it into the basement, I wasn’t really thinking about it. Everyone was in action, and we were all working like a well-oiled machine. But once the pile of wood was almost gone, we all began to joke around and laugh. This was around the time where I actually realised what had just happened, it struck me like a bolt of lightning. One woman mentioned to one person that she didn’t have any firewood, and within a matter of hours, TWELVE people were spending their Sunday supplying this woman with what she so desperately needed while asking for absolutely nothing in return. And we were laughing and smiling while doing it! What kind of Mister Rogers “Will you be my neighbour?” neighbourhood was I living in??
Believe it or not, this is just one of the thousands of examples of the selfless kindness that I’ve had the good fortune of witnessing here in Croatia. I’ve seen it over and over and over again, and it still renders me speechless. This, being the final lesson that I’m sharing with you, is the most important. It should go without saying, but this day and age it, unfortunately, does not. We are ALL in this life together, and NO ONE should EVER watch or listen to someone else struggle through it alone. If you can help, you should. And if you can’t help, you probably know someone who can, so there is no justification for just throwing our hands up and saying, “Well what can you do?” I will never allow myself to do that again. So in summation, THANK YOU CROATIA. I LOVE YOU.
Written by: Lexie Dipley