We're All In This Together
Prashant Kothari
Managing Director, Hamilton Ventures: investors in proptech, fintech, cleantech and restaurant tech startups in the US
A message to our loyal clients and supporters
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
First and foremost, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
Thankfully, all of my String teammates are all safe and healthy so far.
After our employees’ health and safety, our #1 priority is you - as always, String is fanatically and fiercely focused on its customers’ success.
While these are the craziest times any of us have ever seen, I want to emphasize that We Are All In This Together.
An update on what transpired in India
The changes in India, have been more rapid, more draconian, and more widespread than most anticipated; however, the String India team has largely gotten ahead of the issues. They have worked unbelievably hard and long to get as many String employees operational on a work-from-home basis.
Among their challenges:
· A lockdown imposed with less than 24-hours notice & the restrictions on travel - no more than two people could travel together, and almost all of this was done during the night
· 98% of the String employees operated from desktops - so we had to lease several hundred laptops at extremely short notice.
· Over 80% of the String employees didn’t have broadband connectivity at home - String reached out to every single ISP and tried to get Internet connectivity within 36 hours
Kudos to the team in India that worked for 36-hours non-stop – Gokul, Kris, Bhaskar, Prakash, Nikhil, and so many others that I can’t name here because of lack of space. They’ve done a magnificent job, and I am grateful beyond belief to have such a dedicated, sincere and efficient team. I might be biased but this proves again that I am lucky to have the best operations team in the business.*
Despite all of the aforementioned challenges, the India team worked non-stop through the night and the day, and hustled in every possible source for the laptops and the Internet connectivity, such that 88% of our team is operational.
To reiterate, We’re All In This Together. And We Will Get Through This Together.
Thank you for all your support and understanding
“Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” - Steve Jobs
*If this was a war (and in some ways it feels like it is, against this pandemic) they would qualify for a medal.