Ben Mahrle
Founder of Mountain States Business Brokers & Advisors, A Division of Front Range Business Brokers
Where’d Ya Learn That?
How many times have you asked that question, or been asked it yourself? It is one of those ?questions that makes you stop and think back in your past. And you don’t always have a real clear or concise answer.?I’m not talking about where you “heard” something. That’s easy. Learning is different.
You might have learned it in school somewhere, or from a book, video or seminar. But real life skills are mostly learned in childhood and from actual life experiences and those are the ones that typically bring about that question. They don’t come out of a book all by themselves. Even if you read a book about a particular skill, you probably have been applying it so long you don’t even remember the name of the book. Although I learned some things about how to move through a forest silently from a 19th Century book, I mostly mastered it through experience and with some coaching from my dad. And that format applies to most of the skills any of us have developed to the point that someone will ask us where we learned it.
Learning is a never-ending process. We start with a thought or curiosity about something and then we start the learning. It might only take a few minutes to learn some basics, but we spend the rest of our lives trying to master them.
May you never stop learning what you already “know”.