The Wellsite Geologist's Guide to Production Testing:

The Wellsite Geologist's Guide to Production Testing:


Well testing is a critical operation in oil and gas exploration and production, providing crucial information about reservoir characteristics, well performance, and fluid properties. The wellsite geologist is required to play a vital role during production testing. This article provides a comprehensive guide for wellsite geologists on the key concepts involved in production testing, their duties and responsibilities, the information they need to report, and the challenges they may face.

1.??Key Concepts in Well Testing

1.1?Purpose of Well Testing

Well testing aims to evaluate the following aspects of a well and reservoir:

  • Productivity:?Determine the well's ability to produce hydrocarbons.
  • Reservoir Characteristics:?Assess properties like permeability, porosity, and fluid saturation.
  • Fluid Properties:?Analyze the composition and properties of produced fluids (oil, gas, water).
  • Well Integrity:?Verify the mechanical integrity of the wellbore.

1.2?Types of Well Tests

Various well tests are conducted depending on the objectives. Some common types include:

  • Drill Stem Test (DST):?Performed during drilling in an open hole section or after drilling and casing the well. A reservoir is tested by isolating it from above and below and allowing the reservoir fluid to flow to the surface through the test string. This test is commonly performed in exploration and appraisal wells to obtain initial reservoir information.
  • Flowing Well Test:?Measures production rates and pressures under different flowing conditions.
  • Pressure Transient Test:?This involves analyzing pressure changes in the wellbore over time, often after a period of shut-in (no flow). It helps determine reservoir properties like permeability, boundaries, and reservoir pressure.
  • Production Logging:?This involves using specialized tools lowered into the wellbore to measure flow rates, fluid properties (density, viscosity), and identify flow contributions from different zones.

1.3?Data Acquisition and Interpretation

Well testing involves continuous monitoring and recording of various parameters, including:

  • Flow Rates:?Oil, gas, and water production rates.
  • Pressures:?Surface and downhole pressures. Reservoir pressure behaviour during flow and non-flow period
  • Temperatures:?Surface and downhole temperatures.
  • Fluid Samples:?Collected for laboratory analysis.

2.???? Duties and Responsibilities of a Wellsite Geologist

2.1?Pre-Test Activities

  • Well Testing Programme:?The wellsite geologist should critically review the entire testing program; any doubts or ambiguities must be clarified with the operations geologist or production engineer. He should also have mud logging, wireline, and LWD data about the zone of interest readily available to share with the team.
  • Preparing Sampling Equipment:?Ensure proper equipment is available for collecting and storing fluid samples and gas samples to be sent to the laboratory.
  • Witnessing Perforation:?The wellsite geologist is required to witness correlation and perforation operations.
  • Safety Checks:?Participate in pre-test safety meetings and ensure compliance with safety procedures.

2.2?During Test Activities

During production testing, the geologist notes down reservoir pressures and flow rates under varying conditions and sends reports to the office at regular intervals. More importantly, a geologist is involved with several tests conducted on the produced oil, gas, and formation water to assess their properties and understand their impact on production and facilities. Here's a breakdown of these tests and their significance:

Oil Tests:

  • API Gravity:?Measures the density of the oil compared to water. It's crucial for determining the oil's quality and price. Lighter oils have higher API gravity and are generally more valuable.
  • BS&W (Basic Sediment and Water):?Determines the percentage of sediment and water present in the oil. High BS&W can cause corrosion and damage processing equipment.
  • Viscosity:?Measures the oil's resistance to flow. It influences the ease of transporting and processing the oil.
  • Pour Point:?Indicates the lowest temperature at which the oil will flow. Important for handling and transportation in cold environments.
  • Flash Point:?The lowest temperature at which the oil's vapours ignite. Crucial for safety and storage considerations.
  • Gas Chromatography (GC):?Analyzes the gas, identifying the different gases and their percentages. This helps in reservoir characterization and refining processes.

Formation Water Tests:

  • Salinity:?Measures the concentration of dissolved salts in the water. High salinity can cause scaling and corrosion in production equipment.
  • pH:?Indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the water. It can affect the compatibility of the water with production equipment and the environment.
  • Ion Chromatography:?Analyzes the specific ions present in the water, such as chloride, sulfate, calcium, and magnesium. This helps in understanding scaling potential and water treatment requirements.
  • Compatibility Tests:?Assess the compatibility of the formation water with injected fluids (e.g., in waterflooding operations) to prevent formation damage.

Overall Significance:

The tests conducted on oil and formation water during production testing provide critical information for:

  • Optimizing Production:?Adjusting production parameters to maximize recovery and minimize operational issues.
  • Designing Surface Facilities:?Selecting appropriate equipment and processes for handling and treating produced fluids.
  • Ensuring Safety:?Identifying and mitigating potential hazards associated with the produced fluids.
  • Protecting the Environment:?Minimizing the environmental impact of oil and gas operations.

By conducting these tests and analyzing the results, the engineering team can make informed decisions to ensure safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible production.

2.3?Post-Test Activities

  • Sample Handling and Shipping:?Ensure proper handling, labelling, and shipping of fluid samples to the laboratory.
  • Data Compilation and Reporting:?Compile all data and observations into a comprehensive well test report.
  • Contributing to Data Analysis:?Collaborate with reservoir engineers in interpreting the test data.

2.4? ?Reporting to Town

The wellsite geologist's report is a crucial document providing valuable information for decision-making. The report is sent on regular interval or as demanded by G&G team. It should include:

  • Well Information:?Well name, location, and objectives of the test.
  • Geological Summary:?Formation tops, lithology, and any significant geological features encountered.
  • Test Data:?Flow rates, pressures, temperatures, and other relevant data.
  • Fluid Descriptions:?Detailed descriptions of oil, gas, and water samples.
  • Gas Analysis:?Results of gas chromatography analysis.
  • Observations and Interpretations:?The geologist's interpretations of the data and their implications for reservoir characterization and production potential.
  • Recommendations:?Suggestions for future testing or production strategies.

3.???? Challenges and Pitfalls

  • Sampling Contamination:?Ensuring representative samples are collected without contamination.
  • Data Quality:?Maintaining accurate and reliable data acquisition; this requires often double-checking the pressure, temperature, and flow data with the production engineer before reporting to town.
  • Time Constraints:?Managing your time and sleep effectively to complete all tasks within the test schedule.
  • Communication:?Effectively communicating observations and test parameters to the team in town.
  • Safety Hazards:?During production testing, the choke manifold, valves, and lines are under high pressure; even a minor leak could result in serious injury. Therefore, one must maintain a constant awareness of safety hazards and follow safe work practices.


By understanding the key concepts, fulfilling their duties diligently, and effectively communicating their findings, wellsite geologists can help the G&G team and reservoir engineers optimize production and maximize the value of hydrocarbon resources.

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Consultant: Wells&subsurface Ops

3 个月

Nice Article, Shamim. Miss the Balikpapan days.

Jervon Bannis

Geoscience | Renewable Energy | Geothermal Geology | Environmental Science | Engineering Geology |

5 个月


Peter Boutilier

Maintenance Supervisor at Borr Drilling

5 个月

That is the Deepwater Millennium what an amazing rig she was.

Oriane Nguyen-Thuyet

? Drilling Engineer | ? Petroleum Geologist | ??????

5 个月

Very interesting ! Thanks for this article ! ??



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