Wellness Wednesdays with Bearn
The bi-partisan legislation recently passed by the US Senate that would make Daylight Savings Time (DST) permanent, has put more attention on the bi-annual clock adjustment than it typically gets. Like much what happens in the 21st century, the effort to make daylight savings time permanent is based more on economic reasons than on wellness considerations.
What we've learned about human biology, and specifically our circadian rhythm, is that we are better off with extended exposure to natural light in the morning vs the evening. So regardless if the legislation becomes law or not, here is a brief list of things you can do to synchronize your biology with the daily cycles of mother earth, as nature intended.
It starts with the night before:
The next morning:
Think of this list as a menu and select the recommendations that are easiest to do. Try to stick with the chosen recommendations until they become a habit and you might be surprised how much better you feel over time.
"Well-being is achieved in small steps, but it is truly no small thing." -Zeno