Wellness of Home is in the hands of

Wellness of Home is in the hands of

They are super hero's. They are the multi-taskers, They have solution for most of the day to day problems. They plan the finances, They save for a rainy day.

World will come to stop for half the households around the world without their help. Our home makers spend most of their day, planning for the family, working for the family, planning their day's, planning their diet's.

Because of their all-caring lifestyle, mothers are susceptible to anxiety, depression, heart diseases, obesity, insomnia, psychological issues, high blood pressure, body ache, and fatigue.

If you are the home maker, We tell you, You are the most hard working person. It may not be your first choice, But, you give your best, So, the rest of the family can give their best. Now, See you are the guiding light for them.

Seek help if you are in a tight spot. Ask your better half to help you out in doing daily chores, or looking after your children when you are at an important meeting.

Remember we are just humans, we do not have unlimited supply of energy to sustain us. Our body needs time to recharge and rebuild.

We would like to give some tips to this group of amazing women and some men.

Physical wellness : You may be doing enough physical activity running chores. No more addition here.

Mental Wellness : Practice deep breathing and yoga when you get some time.

Emotional Wellness : Call your close friends and relatives, They need you as much as you need them.

Financial Wellness : Plan good meals ahead of the time, At least in India, the healthy food is not expensive compared to Junk Food. Not Yet.

Spiritual Wellness : listen to Bhajan's. We warn you to not watch family drama's most of our channels dish out.

Environmental Wellness : Plant and take care of some trees around your house, This helps you getting the soothing you need for your brain. Indoor plants will help with oxygen supply.

Taking walks to get much needed D vitamin, Sleeping on time, drinking lot of water, reading books are some of the activities you can weave into your routine.

And, if you are a spouse, a husband, or a father, please make sure that you are always available when your superwoman needs something from you, anytime anywhere. Talk to her, help her, sit with her, chat with her, in all things under the sun. For she is doing unimaginable things that you could only dream of. If you are her children, adore her for she is your one and only mother.

We must learn to appreciate and contribute in little ways in achieving wellness.

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