Wellnergy festival 2024
Wellnergy Festival: Discover Wellness Your Way – Inclusive, Accessible, and Rooted in Our 5 Pillars.
"Whatever good things we build end up building us"
- Jim Rohn
When you visit a theme park you might have some rides in mind, but you just know there will be many to discover and pick from, and most importantly, you will have fun!
On June 17, 2023, four thousand people had a fun-filled day complete with everything wellness and lots of great music. The event featured 4 International DJs flown in specially to celebrate the birth of a great thing. Cheers and congratulatory greetings abounded, and tears of joy flowed. Wellnergy festival didn't come into the world with a baby's first tears. Despite all the kicking and turning in the womb, it came into the world strutting with arms widespread, saying "I'm here b*t***s come and revel in my glory". Yes, it was confident, maybe even arrogant because it knew it was special.
My entrepreneurial journey has taken me through every facet of the hospitality industry, and I know the pains firsthand, with scars to prove it. I also know how rewarding it can be to plan and execute a great event. True event organizers will know what I mean when I say nothing beats the feeling you get when you watch a group of people in an event laughing and beaming with joy thanks to "the gift" you gave to them. From each stage in my journey, I naturally moved on to the next logical stage. Promoting -> Big one-off events -> Nightclub ownership -> Global luxury villa retreats brand... and finally the idea for Wellnergy came to me. It brings together all the knowledge I have accrued over the years in the space on the biggest platform possible - a massive, "have fun and keep discovering" wellness festival like none before it. I remember the first thought I had was "a theme park for wellness". I still love that phrase and it is still my favourite way to describe Wellnergy festival.
I remember sitting down with my co-founder Nick Steiert outside a bench outside King's Cross station because we were literally not allowed to meet indoors anywhere during COVID. We sat In the middle of the huge concrete pavement in front of the station. We were seated about a meter apart on a bench encircling a big solitary tree so as not to piss off the wardens walking around constantly. We had a big piece of paper between us for sketching. It was in this way that we fleshed out the nuts and bolts of what has become Wellnergy festival, and we made sense of the five pillars and the theme park idea. It was an amazing experience in bonding and synergy. From the first conversation, it was obvious to me there and then that there was no one else I could create this festival with.
Fast-forward to today and we have indeed created a one-of-a-kind event that brings joy and fun to so many people. We had 37 brands exhibiting real cutting-edge products in the wellness space, multiple exciting food vendors, a first of its kind neurodiversity inclusion tent, more than 75 wellness professionals and speakers and 4,000 attendees. All the pain, exhaustion, doubt, arguments, frustrations, and financial headaches were worth it. Exhausted and barely able to form a thought on the 18th of June, I remember managing to think "I grew so much as a person!". Bring on Wellnergy 2024 :).
Even more interesting were the amazing insights collected throughout the day by our partner, Heyr (mental wellbeing) app. For example, even though we had literally every generation represented, we learned that our keenest, largest demographic of attendees were under 30 and they were super eager to come back! Somehow, we had managed to convey our message clearly through the age gaps and we are spreading that key message of all-round wellness to those who are probably least equipped to cope in this world of gadgets and online relationships! It’s been so fulfilling.
A happy attendee's words put it best:? "It was amazing. I am so glad I was there. There was so much to do and it was so much fun, and yet I didn't feel I had to do anything! I thought 'How did they manage to teach so much and still create so much fun?'".
Wellnergy 2024 is now in planning, and we're set to make it more fun, bigger, better and even more life changing. If you’re a wellness startup or established company looking for a fun, vibrant wellness movement that speaks to everyone, get in touch. We’d love to work with you.