The WELLGlossary #32
As in wellness cognition?
Cognition is defined as the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. ?Cognition?includes all the conscious and unconscious processes involved in thinking, perceiving, and reasoning. Would you say that wellness is an ideal domain for cognition, e.g. well-aware persons are being involved in a conscious intellectual activity? I should really think so.
Cognitive skills and knowledge involve the ability to acquire factual information, often the kind of knowledge that can easily be tested. This suggests that human beings should find very easy to be engaged in any wellness/wellbeing improving activity or practice. Still, it really is not the case.
Cognition may require recognition at first, i.e. consumers may need to acknowledge of something, some person's status or merits. The wellness world is full of gurus, healers, trainers, coaches and therapists who all seek recognition. Many have achieved that status and have their followers, groups or fans. Others seek balance, enlightenment, harmony and happiness in their own ways, not being part of any group or cult.
Researchers and industry representatives often agree that people would need to be working on their cognitive skills so they can recognize more directly what is good for them. The wellness world can have its own contribution on this path. Introducing new modalities, reaching out to new segments, offering education and skill development options all could contribute to this very much needed development.
What is wellcognition, then? It is coming from the concept of Embodied Cognition. It proposes that cognitive processes are shaped by the body’s interactions with the environment. It suggests that concepts are grounded in sensory experiences and mental representations are based on simulating bodily experiences. Embodied cognition benefits learning,?communication, and creative?thinking, but it faces challenges related to subjectivity and cultural differences in interpreting experiences. Real-world examples include learning dance, gesture-based?communication, and motor skill development.
Immersive and engaging activities and experiences all can positively reconfirm wellness/wellbeing improving practices. Group sessions, co-created holistic or spiritual programmes, therapeutic recreation, activities in nature, etc. result in outcomes that consumers can recognize as a positive, wellbeing improving one. Still, we need to be culturally very sensitive since the very same activity may bring in very different connotations.
Wellcognition is then the process and capability of acquiring knowledge and understanding that positively improve wellbeing through thought, experience, and the senses. Service providers and wellness experience planners may explore the world of cognitive psychology to learn how to initiate and facilitate this process. Or can talk to HTWWLife team to gain instant insights. The World Environmental Day (5 June) and the Global Wellness Day’s (8 June) #magentanature offer the perfect occasion to immerse guests with nature and wellcognise how good that is for them.
Want to expand your horizon about anything and everything about things that are 'well'??We are spilling the beans. Collected and narrated all the 52+ 'well' words and expressions you need to know of! More here:
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